首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering >Applying Nature's Best Ideas to Biomimetics: Frog Calling

Applying Nature's Best Ideas to Biomimetics: Frog Calling




Scientist have recently discovered and paid attention to one of the behaviors exhibited by the frog that has sparked their interests. This behavior may appear annoying to most people, especially after rainy nights -The Frog Calling. Frog calling is a behavior exhibited by most of the male frogs to attract female frogs that are able to locate them from their vocal expression. This activity usually happens after rainy nights, as there will be a higher probability of formation of water pools, or fewer chances of wet areas being dried out. It is mandatory natural process for frogs to lay eggs in water.
机译:科学家最近发现并关注了引起青蛙兴趣的青蛙所表现出的一种行为。这种行为对大多数人来说似乎很烦人,尤其是在雨夜之后-The Frog Calling。青蛙叫是大多数雄性青蛙表现出的一种吸引雌性青蛙的行为,雌性青蛙能够从其声音表达中找到它们。这种活动通常在下雨的夜晚之后发生,因为形成水池的可能性更高,或者潮湿区域变干的机会更少。青蛙在水中产卵是强制性的自然过程。



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