首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare >Survey of Bovine Tuberculosis in Guduru Cattle Breeding and Research Center, Western Ethiopia

Survey of Bovine Tuberculosis in Guduru Cattle Breeding and Research Center, Western Ethiopia




In light of the direct correlation between Mycobacterium bovis (M.bovis) infection in cattle and the disease in human, control measures need to apply to reduce the prevalence of tuberculosis in developing countries. To this effect, generation of epidemiological data is of supreme importance. A cross-sectional study was conducted in line with this, at Guduru Cattle Breeding and Research Centre, Western Ethiopia, to estimate the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) by using comparative interadermal tuberculin (CIDT) test. The prevalence was 1.8% (9/500) by using this test. There was no significant difference (c2=4.75; P=0.079) in prevalence of BTB between Horro-Jersy cross breed and zebu (Horro) breed. The result of the present study has shown that bovine tuberculosis is less prevalent in cattle kept at Guduru Cattle Breeding and research Center. However, the prevalence of tuberculin result was low, enormous numbers of tubercle bacilli can be excreted by a cow with tuberculous mastitis. One cow can excrete enough viable bacilli to contaminate the milk of many cows, when their milk is mixed. Additionally it is much enough to contaminate an environment in which they belong (particularly pasture and water body), through faces and air droplet. In addition to this people of the area have the habit of consuming raw meat and milk and share the same microenvironment with their livestock. This further disseminates the causative agent, both through inhalation and ingestion resulting in high economic loss and public health effect. So further similar studies across the country to estimate the national prevalence of BTB is mandatory to design the control strategy. Keywords: Mycobacterium bovis, tuberculin test, risk factors, Cattle, Ethiopia
机译:鉴于牛的牛分枝杆菌(M.bovis)感染与人类疾病之间存在直接关系,需要采取控制措施以减少发展中国家的结核病患病率。为此,流行病学数据的生成至关重要。为此,在埃塞俄比亚西部古杜鲁牛育种和研究中心进行了一项横断面研究,通过使用比较性表皮间结核菌素(CIDT)试验估算牛结核病(BTB)的患病率。使用该测试的患病率为1.8%(9/500)。 Horro-Jersy杂交品种和zebu(Horro)品种之间的BTB发生率无显着差异(c2 = 4.75; P = 0.079)。本研究的结果表明,在古杜鲁牛育种和研究中心饲养的牛中,牛结核病的患病率较低。但是,结核菌素结果的患病率很低,患有结核性乳腺炎的母牛可以排泄大量的结核杆菌。一头母牛混合牛奶时,可以排泄足够的活细菌以污染许多母牛的乳汁。另外,通过面部和水滴足以污染它们所属的环境(尤其是牧场和水体)。除此以外,该地区的人还有食用生肉和牛奶的习惯,并与他们的牲畜共享相同的微环境。这通过吸入和食入进一步传播了致病因素,从而导致很高的经济损失和公共卫生影响。因此,在全国范围内开展进一步的类似研究来估计全国BTB流行率对于设计控制策略是必不可少的。关键词:牛分枝杆菌,结核菌素检测,危险因素,牛,埃塞俄比亚



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