首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology >Role of dexmedetomidine in early extubation of the intensive care unit patients

Role of dexmedetomidine in early extubation of the intensive care unit patients




Background and Aims: Patients on ventilatory support in intensive care unit (ICU) require sedation and analgesia to facilitate mechanical ventilation and endotracheal tube tolerance. The selection of the agent should be such that it does not interfere with the early extubation of the patients. We compared the efficacy of dexmedetomidine with midazolam to facilitate extubation of patients from mechanical ventilation in terms of the sedative properties, cardiovascular responses, ventilation, and extubation characteristics and safety profile. Materials and Methods: A total of 40 adult, mechanically ventilated patients of either sex, aged 18-60 years, meeting the standard criteria for weaning, randomized into 2 groups of 20 patients each, received intravenous infusion of dexmedetomidine (0.2-0.7 mcg/kg/h) or midazolam (0.04-0.2 mg/kg/h) as needed for Ramsay sedation scale 2-4. Extubation following standard extubation protocol was done. Time for extubation and vital parameters were regularly recorded. Results: The time to extubation in the dexmedetomidine group was significantly lower than in the midazolam group. Heart rate and blood pressure was significantly lower in dexmedetomidine group than the midazolam group at most of the times. Conclusions: Dexmedetomidine has clinically relevant benefits compared with midazolam in facilitating extubation due to its shorter time to extubation, more hemodynamic stability, easy arousability, and lack of respiratory depression.
机译:背景与目的:重症监护病房(ICU)接受呼吸支持的患者需要镇静和镇痛,以促进机械通气和气管插管耐受性。药剂的选择应不干扰患者的早期拔管。我们比较了右美托咪定和咪达唑仑在镇静特性,心血管反应,通气,拔管特征和安全性方面,促进机械通气患者拔管的功效。材料和方法:共有40名年龄在18至60岁之间,符合断奶标准的男女成年机械通气患者,随机分为两组,每组20名患者,接受右美托咪定静脉输注(0.2-0.7 mcg / kg / h)或咪达唑仑(0.04-0.2 mg / kg / h),如Ramsay镇静等级2-4所需要。遵循标准拔管方案拔管。定期记录拔管时间和重要参数。结果:右美托咪定组拔管时间明显低于咪达唑仑组。在大多数情况下,右美托咪定组的心率和血压明显低于咪达唑仑组。结论:与咪达唑仑相比,右美托咪定在拔管时间上更短,具有更大的血液动力学稳定性,易唤醒性和缺乏呼吸抑制性,因此与咪达唑仑相比在临床上具有优势。



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