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Final Analysis: Flame Spray Pyrolysis: A Unique Facility for the Production of Nanopowders




Flame spray pyrolysis can be used to produce a wide array of high purity nanopowders ranging from single metal oxides such as alumina to more complex mixed oxides, metals and catalysts. The technique was first developed by the research group of Sotiris E. Pratsinis at ETH Zurich, Switzerland (1). Since then it has been used to create new and sophisticated materials for catalysis and other applications (2).Johnson Matthey has developed its own Flame Spray Pyrolysis Facility (Figure 1) which produces a range of nanopowders using the flame spray pyrolysis technique. It has the capacity to produce up to 100 g h?1 of nanopowder product, depending on the material composition, and a number of process variables enable the preparation of well-defined target materials.
机译:火焰喷雾热解可用于生产各种高纯度纳米粉,其范围从单一金属氧化物(如氧化铝)到更复杂的混合氧化物,金属和催化剂。该技术由瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院的Sotiris E. Pratsinis研究小组首先开发(1)。从那时起,它就被用于创建用于催化和其他应用的新型和先进的材料(2)。约翰逊·马太(Johnson Matthey)开发了自己的火焰喷雾热解设施(图1),该设施使用火焰喷雾热解技术生产了一系列纳米粉末。根据材料的组成,它有能力生产高达100 g h?1的纳米粉产品,并且许多工艺变量可以制备明确的目标材料。



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