首页> 外文期刊>Johnson Matthey Technology Review >Michele Peyrone (1813–1883), Discoverer of Cisplatin

Michele Peyrone (1813–1883), Discoverer of Cisplatin

机译:Michele Peyrone(1813–1883),顺铂的发现者



The Italian chemist Michele Peyrone (1813–1883) was the first to synthesise cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II)), the basis of today's most widely used family of anticancer drugs. This biographical article aims to present, for the first time in the English language, a summary of his life and the achievements that he made during his scientific career. Originally trained in medicine, Peyrone moved to chemistry and attended some of the most prestigious institutions in Europe in his time. He wrote several publications describing his work on ‘Peyrone's chloride’ (PtCl2(NH3)2) and Magnus' green salt ([Pt(NH3)4][PtCl4]). He later turned his attention to agricultural science where he defended important advances in the understanding of plant growth. Michele Peyrone's dedication to science is best summarised in the English translation of his first report on the synthesis of cisplatin: “I am determined to pursue this subject with all my energies, without having regard for the difficulties to be encountered at every step in so expensive and delicate a research”.
机译:意大利化学家米歇尔·佩龙(Michele Peyrone,1813–1883年)是第一个合成顺铂(cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II))的人,顺铂是当今使用最广泛的抗癌药物家族的基础。这篇传记性文章旨在首次用英语介绍他的生活以及他在科学生涯中取得的成就的摘要。 Peyrone最初接受医学方面的培训,后来转向化学,并就读于当时的欧洲一些最负盛名的机构。他撰写了几篇出版物,描述了他在“吡喃酮氯化物”(PtCl2(NH3)2)和马格努斯的绿盐([Pt(NH3)4] [PtCl4])方面的工作。后来,他将注意力转向了农业科学,在此方面捍卫了对植物生长的理解方面的重要进步。米歇尔·佩隆(Michele Peyrone)对科学的奉献精神在他关于顺铂合成的第一份报告的英文译本中得到了最好的总结:“我决心不遗余力地追求这一主题,而无需考虑如此昂贵的每一步所遇到的困难细致的研究”。



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