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Fast Collaborative Filtering from Implicit Feedback with Provable Guarantees




Building recommendation algorithm is one of the most challenging tasks in Machine Learning. Although most of the recommendation systems are built on explicit feedback available from the users in terms of rating or text, a majority of the applications do not receive such feedback. Here we consider the recommendation task where the only available data is the records of user-item interaction over web applications over time, in terms of subscription or purchase of items; this is known as implicit feedback recommendation. There is usually a massive amount of such user-item interaction available for any web applications. Algorithms like PLSI or Matrix Factorization runs several iterations through the dataset and may prove very expensive for large datasets. Here we propose a recommendation algorithm based on Method of Moment, which involves factorization of second and third order moments of the dataset. Our algorithm can be proven to be globally convergent using PAC learning theory. Further, we show how to extract the parameters using only three passes through the entire dataset. This results in a highly scalable algorithm that scales up to million of users even on a machine with a single-core processor and 8 GB RAM and produces competitive performance in comparison with existing algorithms.
机译:构建推荐算法是机器学习中最具挑战性的任务之一。尽管大多数推荐系统都是建立在用户对评分或文本的明确反馈之上的,但大多数应用程序并未收到此类反馈。在这里,我们考虑推荐任务,其中唯一可用的数据是随着时间的流逝,就项目的订阅或购买而言,Web应用程序上用户项交互的记录;这就是隐式反馈建议。通常,任何Web应用程序都可以使用大量此类用户项交互。 PLSI或矩阵分解等算法会在数据集中运行多次迭代,对于大型数据集可能会非常昂贵。在这里,我们提出了一种基于矩量法的推荐算法,该算法涉及数据集二阶和三阶矩的分解。使用PAC学习理论可以证明我们的算法是全局收敛的。此外,我们展示了如何仅使用三个遍历整个数据集来提取参数。这样就产生了一种高度可扩展的算法,即使在具有单核处理器和8 GB RAM的机器上,该算法也可以扩展到数百万的用户,并且与现有算法相比具有竞争优势。



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