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Conversation Within a Facebook Smoking Cessation Intervention Trial For Young Adults (Tobacco Status Project): Qualitative Analysis




Background: Smoking cessation interventions delivered through social media have the potential to engage young people in behavior change. Objective: The aim of this study was to describe participant-posted messages in a Facebook smoking cessation intervention for young adults to discern support for behavior change. Methods: We qualitatively analyzed data from the treatment arm of a randomized trial testing the efficacy of the Tobacco Status Project Facebook intervention. Young adults (N=138) aged 18-25 years (female: 81/138, 58.7%; white: 101/138, 73.2%; mean age 21 years) were recruited using Facebook and placed into one of the 15 secret Facebook groups based on readiness-to-quit smoking. Messages posted to groups for 90 consecutive days were tailored to readiness-to-quit: Not Ready (46/138, 33.3%), Thinking (66/138, 47.8%), and Getting Ready (26/138, 18.8%). Groups were randomized to receive up to US $90 for posting or no incentive. Two independent coders conducted open coding of user posts. We considered content by readiness-to-quit group and incentive condition. Results: There were 4 dominant themes across all groups: coping skills, friends and family, motivation to quit, and benefits of quitting. The dominant themes in Not Ready groups were friends and family (incentive) and motivation to quit (no incentive), whereas coping skills was the dominant theme in Thinking and Getting Ready groups. The expression of themes varied by readiness-to-quit group but not by incentive condition. Conclusions: Intervention messages tailored to readiness-to-quit appear useful in eliciting the desired responses from young adult smokers, with limited influence by monetary incentive.
机译:背景:通过社交媒体提供的戒烟干预措施有可能促使年轻人参与行为改变。目的:本研究的目的是描述针对年轻人的Facebook戒烟干预措施中参与者发布的消息,以识别对行为改变的支持。方法:我们定性分析了一项随机试验的治疗部门的数据,该试验测试了“烟草状况项目” Facebook干预的有效性。使用Facebook招募了18-25岁的年轻成年人(N = 138)(女性:81 / 138,58.7%;白人:101 / 138,73.2%;平均年龄21岁),并放入15个秘密的Facebook群组之一基于戒烟意愿。连续90天向小组发布的消息针对退出准备就绪:未就绪(46/138,33.3%),思考(66/138,47.8%)和准备就绪(26/138,18.8%)。各组被随机分配,以接受最高90美元的职位奖励或无奖励。两名独立编码员对用户帖子进行了公开编码。我们根据戒烟准备小组和激励条件来考虑内容。结果:在所有组中有4个主要主题:应对技巧,朋友和家人,戒烟的动力以及戒烟的好处。未就绪组的主要主题是朋友和家人(奖励)和戒烟的动机(无动机),而应付能力是“思考与准备”组的主要主题。主题的表达因准备退出的群体而异,但不受激励条件的影响。结论:针对戒烟准备的干预信息在引起年轻成年吸烟者的期望反应中似乎很有用,而受到金钱激励的影响有限。



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