首页> 外文期刊>Japanese Journal of Pharmacology >Changes in Cyclic AMP Content of Rat Gastric Mucosa Induced by Ulcerogenic Stimuli —In Relation to the Antiulcer Activity of Irsogladine Maleate

Changes in Cyclic AMP Content of Rat Gastric Mucosa Induced by Ulcerogenic Stimuli —In Relation to the Antiulcer Activity of Irsogladine Maleate




References(25) Cited-By(7) Changes in the cyclic AMP (cAMP) content of the gastric mucosa induced by ulcerogenic stimuli were investigated in rats. Ligation of the pylorus for 5 hr produced no glandular mucosal lesion, but increased the cAMP content in the fundus and antrum. Aspirin produced glandular mucosal lesions in the pylorus-ligated rats and caused an increase of the cAMP content in the fundus and a decrease in the antrum. Irsogladine maleate (IM), an antiulcer agent, inhibited both the changes in the cAMP content and the mucosal damage induced by aspirin. IM increased the cAMP content in both regions, especially the antrum, in normal rats. Dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP) given orally prevented the gastric mucosal lesions induced by aspirin without affecting gastric secretion. These results suggest that 1) the changes in the cAMP content of the fundus and antrum induced by aspirin may be associated with the formation of glandular mucosal damage, 2) the antiulcer activity of IM may be ralated to an increase of the cAMP content in mucous cells, and 3) dbcAMP given orally may penetrate into the surface mucous cells and activate defensive functions. Thus, cAMP in the mucous cells may protect the gastric mucosa.
机译:参考文献(25)引用了(7)在大鼠中研究了溃疡性刺激引起的胃粘膜中环AMP(cAMP)含量的变化。幽门结扎5小时未产生腺粘膜病变,但增加了眼底和胃窦中的cAMP含量。阿司匹林在幽门结扎的大鼠中产生腺黏膜损伤,并导致眼底cAMP含量增加和胃窦减少。马来酸伊索拉定(IM),一种抗溃疡药,可抑制cAMP含量的变化和阿司匹林引起的粘膜损伤。在正常大鼠中,IM增加了两个区域,特别是胃窦中的cAMP含量。口服二丁酰cAMP(dbcAMP)可预防阿司匹林引起的胃粘膜损伤,而不会影响胃分泌。这些结果表明:1)阿司匹林诱导的眼底和胃窦中cAMP含量的变化可能与腺体粘膜损伤的形成有关; 2)IM的抗溃疡活性可能与粘液中cAMP含量的增加有关3)口服dbcAMP可能会渗入表面黏液细胞并激活防御功能。因此,粘膜细胞中的cAMP可以保护胃粘膜。



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