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Lipid-Based System Introduces a Novel Approach for an HIV Vaccination




HIV is one of the deadliest pandemics of modern times, having caused 35 million deaths around the world. While researchers and clinical workers have identified antigens and antibodies necessary to validate diagnosis and have developed antiviral drugs to suppress HIV replication, we still do not have an effective means to prevent and fight the infection. Immunological obstacles are a significant barrier to designing an efficient HIV vaccine. In addition, clinical trial failures have demonstrated the need for novel approaches to identify relevant antigens and adjuvants, as well as for better delivery systems. Innovation based on engineered nanoparticles (NPs) can help overcome these obstacles. A team from CEA-Leti recently demonstrated a concept of an HIV vaccine that enhances an adjuvant’s effect, delivered with pinpoint accuracy in the body. This nanoparticulate system is made of bio-assimilable lipids, called LipidotsTM. The following will summarize the immunological obstacles, as well as previous trial failures and explain how the Lipidot technology points the way toward an effective new HIV vaccine.
机译:艾滋病毒是现代最致命的流行病之一,在世界范围内已造成3500万人死亡。尽管研究人员和临床工作人员已经确定了验证诊断所必需的抗原和抗体,并开发了抑制HIV复制的抗病毒药物,但我们仍然没有预防和抵抗感染的有效手段。免疫学障碍是设计有效的HIV疫苗的重大障碍。另外,临床试验的失败证明了对鉴定相关抗原和佐剂以及更好的递送系统的新颖方法的需求。基于工程纳米颗粒(NPs)的创新可以帮助克服这些障碍。 CEA-Leti的一个团队最近展示了一种HIV疫苗的概念,该疫苗可增强佐剂的作用,并在体内精确定位。这种纳米颗粒系统由生物可吸收的脂质LipidotsTM制成。以下内容将概述免疫学障碍以及先前的试验失败,并解释Lipidot技术如何为有效的新型HIV疫苗指明道路。



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