首页> 外文期刊>DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA >Topological Conjugacy of Topological Markov Shifts and Cuntz-Krieger Algebras

Topological Conjugacy of Topological Markov Shifts and Cuntz-Krieger Algebras




For an irreducible non-permutation matrix $A$, the triplet $(Cal{O}_A,Cal{D}_A,ho^A)$ for the Cuntz-Krieger algebra $Cal{O}_A$, its canonical maximal abelian $C^st$-subalgebra $Cal{D}_A$, and its gauge action $ho^A$ is called the Cuntz-Krieger triplet. We introduce a notion of strong Morita equivalence in the Cuntz-Krieger triplets, and prove that two Cuntz-Krieger triplets $(Cal{O}_A,Cal{D}_A,ho^A)$ and $(Cal{O}_B,Cal{D}_B,ho^B)$ are strong Morita equivalent if and only if $A$ and $B$ are strong shift equivalent. We also show that the generalized gauge actions on the stabilized Cuntz-Krieger algebras are cocycle conjugate if the underlying matrices are strong shift equivalent. By clarifying K-theoretic behavior of the cocycle conjugacy, we investigate a relationship between cocycle conjugacy of the gauge actions on the stabilized Cuntz-Krieger algebras and topological conjugacy of the underlying topological Markov shifts.
机译:对于不可约非置换矩阵$ A $,Cuntz-Krieger代数$ Cal {O} _A $的三元组$( Cal {O} _A, Cal {D} _A, rho ^ A)$,其规范的最大阿贝尔数$ C ^ ast $-子代数$ Cal {D} _A $,其规范动作$ rho ^ A $被称为Cuntz-Krieger三元组。我们在Cuntz-Krieger三元组中引入强Morita等价的概念,并证明两个Cuntz-Krieger三元组$( Cal {O} _A, Cal {D} _A, rho ^ A)$和$( Cal {O} _B, Cal {D} _B, rho ^ B)$当且仅当$ A $和$ B $是强移等价物时才是Morita等价物。我们还表明,如果基础矩阵是强移位等效项,则在稳定的Cuntz-Krieger代数上的广义规范作用是Cocycle共轭的。通过阐明K的共轭共轭的理论行为,我们研究稳定的Cuntz-Krieger代数上规范作用的Cocycle共轭与基础拓扑Markov移位的拓扑共轭之间的关系。



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