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Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science,Vol 4, No 1 (2000)




A permutation π is said to be τ-avoiding if it does not contain any subsequence having all the same pairwise comparisons as τ. This paper concerns the characterization and enumeration of permutations which avoid a set Fj of subsequences increasing both in number and in length at the same time. Let Fj be the set of subsequences of the form σ(j+1)(j+2), σ being any permutation on {1,...,j}. For j=1 the only subsequence in F1 is 123 and the 123-avoiding permutations are enumerated by the Catalan numbers; for j=2 the subsequences in F2 are 1234 2134 and the (1234,2134)avoiding permutations are enumerated by the Schr?der numbers; for each other value of j greater than 2 the subsequences in Fj are j! and their length is (j+2) the permutations avoiding these j! subsequences are enumerated by a number sequence {an} such that Cn ≤ an ≤ n!, Cn being the nth Catalan number. For each j we determine the generating function of permutations avoiding the subsequences in Fj according to the length, to the number of left minima and of non-inversions.
机译:如果置换π不包含任何与τ具有相同的成对比较的子序列,则称置换π为τ。本文涉及置换的特征和枚举,该置换和枚举避免了同时增加子序列Fj的数量和长度的子序列Fj。令Fj为形式为σ(j + 1)(j + 2)的子序列集,其中σ为{1,...,j}上的任何置换。对于j = 1,F1中唯一的子序列是123,而避免123的排列由加泰罗尼亚语数字枚举。当j = 2时,F2中的子序列为1234 2134,而(1234,2134)避免的置换由Schr?der数枚举。对于j的彼此大于2的值,Fj中的子序列为j!并且它们的长度是(j + 2)避免这些j!子序列由数字序列{an}枚举,以使Cn≤an≤n!,Cn是第n个加泰罗尼亚语数字。对于每个j,我们确定排列的生成函数,根据长度,左极小数和非反数的数量,避免Fj中的子序列。



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