首页> 外文期刊>The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine >Sutureless 23-gauge Versus Sutureless 20-gauge Pars Plana Vitrectomy

Sutureless 23-gauge Versus Sutureless 20-gauge Pars Plana Vitrectomy




Aim: To compare sutureless 23-gauge versus sutureless 20-gauge system for pars plana vitrectomy as regarding safety and efficacy in pars plana vitrectomy. Patients and methods: A prospective non ­randomized interventional study comparing the two vitrectomy systems in a group of disease requiring uncomplicated vitreoretinal surgery was carried out at Nour- EL­Hayaha Eye Center (Cairo) between August, 2015 and June, 2017. Patients were divided into two groups. Group (A) 23 ­gauge group: included thirty eyes of 20 patients, ten patients had bilateral pars plana vitrectomy (PPV), while in group (B): included twenty five eyes of 20patients, five patients had bilateral operations. Ocular examinations included measurements of best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at a distance using a logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) scale, refractive status using an autorefractometer (KR-8100; Topcon corporation, Tokyo, Japan), IOP was measured pre and postoperative by Goldman applanation tonometry (CT-80; Topcon corporation, Tokyo, Japan), and fundus evaluation using an indirect ophthalmoscope were obtained. Surgical indication, outcome, intraoperative and postoperative complications were evaluated. Patients with vitreoretinal pathology such as preretinal membrane, vitreous haemorrhage with fibrovascular proliferation (FVP), persistent vitreous haemorrhage ,tractional retinal detachment, persistent macular edema or macular hole were enrolled in this study. Furthermore, postoperative subjective pain, conjunctival injection, retinal function and situation of retina were evaluated. Follow up was performed at the 1st day, 1st, 2nd week and 1st, 3rd and 6th month after surgery. Results: All the fifty five eyes completed the regularly follow up visits up to 24 months. 55 eyes of 40 patients divided into 2 groups: Group (A) 30 eyes of 20 patients (6 males, 30% and 14 females, 70%, the mean age of the participants ± SD was 54.62±3.12 years Range: 46-60 years;were treated with 23- gauge PPV .While in Group (B) twenty five eyes of 20 patients (13 males, 65% and 7 females, 35%, the mean age of the participants ± SD was 49.72±3.06 years Range: 50-58 years; were treated with sutureless 20-gauge PPV. The mean age of both groups ± SD was 52.67±5.14 years (Range: 47-62 years). Statistically, the differences between both groups regarding age and sex were insignificant. Conclusion: Advantages of sutureless vitrectomy include a reduction in operating time, less subconjunctival adhesion facilitating any subsequent vitreoretinal surgery or filtration surgery.
机译:目的:比较无缝线23规和无缝线20规用于平面性玻璃体切除术的安全性和有效性。患者和方法:于2015年8月至2017年6月在Nour-ELHayaha眼科中心(开罗)进行了一项前瞻性非随机干预研究,该研究比较了一组需要简单玻璃体视网膜手术的疾病中的两种玻璃体切割系统。患者分为两部分组。 (A)组23个规格组:包括20例患者的30眼,其中10例进行了双侧平面玻璃体切除术(PPV),而(B)组:包括20例患者的25眼,其中5例进行了双侧手术。眼科检查包括使用最小分辨角(logMAR)标度的对数测量远距离最佳矫正视力(BCVA),使用自动验光仪(KR-8100; Topcon Corporation,东京,日本)测量屈光状态,并测量IOP通过高盛扁平眼压计(CT-80; Topcon公司,日本东京)在术前和术后进行了手术,并使用间接检眼镜对眼底进行了评估。评估手术指征,结局,术中和术后并发症。研究对象为玻璃体视网膜病变,例如视网膜前膜,玻璃体出血伴纤维血管增生(FVP),持续性玻璃体出血,视网膜脱离性牵引,持续性黄斑水肿或黄斑裂孔。此外,评估术后主观疼痛,结膜注射,视网膜功能和视网膜情况。在手术后的第一天,第一周,第二周以及第一,第三和第六个月进行随访。结果:五十五只眼睛完成了长达24个月的定期随访。 40例患者的55眼分为2组:(A)组20例患者的30眼(男6例,30%,女14例,70%,参与者的平均年龄±SD为54.62±3.12岁范围:46-60 ;年龄;接受23级PPV治疗。(B组)20例患者的25眼(男13例,占65%,女7例,占35%),参与者的平均年龄±SD为49.72±3.06岁。 50-58岁;接受20线无缝PPV治疗;两组的平均年龄±SD为52.67±5.14岁(范围:47-62岁),统计学上两组之间的年龄和性别差异均无统计学意义。结论:无缝玻璃体切除术的优点包括减少手术时间,减少结膜下粘连,从而有利于随后的玻璃体视网膜手术或滤过手术。



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