首页> 外文期刊>Diabetologia: clinical and experimental diabetes and metabolism >Risk of cancer in patients on insulin glargine and other insulin analogues in comparison with those on human insulin: results from a large population-based follow-up study

Risk of cancer in patients on insulin glargine and other insulin analogues in comparison with those on human insulin: results from a large population-based follow-up study




Aims/hypothesis Several publications suggest an association between certain types of insulin and cancer, but with conflicting results. We investigated whether insulin glargine (A21Gly,B31Arg,B32Arg human insulin) is associated with an increased risk of cancer in a large population-based cohort study. Methods Data for this study were obtained from dispensing records from community pharmacies individually linked to hospital discharge records from 2.5?million individuals in the Netherlands. In a cohort of incident users of insulin, the association between insulin glargine and other insulin analogues, respectively, and cancer was analysed in comparison with human insulin using Cox proportional hazard models with cumulative duration of drug use as a time-varying determinant. The first hospital admission with a primary diagnosis of cancer was considered as the main outcome; secondary analyses were performed with specific cancers as outcomes. Results Of the 19,337 incident insulin users enrolled, 878 developed cancer. Use of insulin glargine was associated with a lower risk of malignancies in general in comparison with human insulin (HR 0.75, 95% CI 0.71, 0.80). In contrast, an increased risk was found for breast cancer (HR 1.58, 95% CI 1.22, 2.05). Dose–response relationships could not be identified. Conclusion/interpretation Users of insulin glargine and users of other insulin analogues had a lower risk of cancer in general than those using human insulin. Both associations might be a consequence of residual confounding, lack of adherence or competing risk. However, as in previous studies, we demonstrated an increased risk of breast cancer in users of insulin glargine in comparison with users of human insulin.
机译:目的/假设一些出版物建议某些类型的胰岛素与癌症之间存在关联,但结果却相互矛盾。在一项基于人群的队列研究中,我们调查了甘精胰岛素(A21Gly,B31Arg,​​B32Arg人胰岛素)是否与罹患癌症的风险增加相关。方法该研究的数据来自社区药房的配药记录,这些配药记录与荷兰250万个人的出院记录相关联。在一组使用胰岛素的事件使用者中,使用Cox比例风险模型以人为累积胰岛素使用持续时间作为时间决定因素,与人胰岛素比较分析了甘精胰岛素和其他胰岛素类似物与癌症之间的关联。主要结局是首次住院并初步诊断为癌症。进行了以特定癌症为结果的二次分析。结果在19,337名胰岛素事件使用者中,有878名罹患癌症。与人胰岛素相比,使用甘精胰岛素通常具有较低的恶性肿瘤风险(HR 0.75,95%CI 0.71,0.80)。相反,发现患乳腺癌的风险增加(HR 1.58,95%CI 1.22,2.05)。无法确定剂量-反应关系。结论/解释一般而言,使用甘精胰岛素的使用者和其他胰岛素类似物的使用者比使用人胰岛素的人患癌症的风险更低。这两个协会可能是残余混杂,缺乏依从性或竞争风险的结果。但是,与以前的研究一样,我们证明了甘精胰岛素使用者比人胰岛素使用者患乳腺癌的风险增加。



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