首页> 外文期刊>Dental Journal: Majalah Kedokteran Gigi >Rinsing effect of 60% bay leaf (Syzygium polyanthum wight) aqueous decoction in inhibiting the accumulation of dental plaque during fixed orthodontic treatment

Rinsing effect of 60% bay leaf (Syzygium polyanthum wight) aqueous decoction in inhibiting the accumulation of dental plaque during fixed orthodontic treatment

机译:60%月桂叶(Syzygium polyanthum wight)水煎液在固定正畸治疗过程中抑制牙菌斑积聚的作用



Background: Fixed orthodontic appliance patients have a high risk to increasing plaque accumulation in tooth surface due to the presence of fixed appliance components. Using mouthwash with antibacterial agent from herbal material can control dental plaque accumulation. Bay leaf (BL) contains active compounds such as essential oil, tannin and flavonoid that have been known as an antibacterial agent. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of rinsing with 60% of BL aqueous decoction to the accumulation of dental plaque in fixed orthodontic appliance patients. Method: This research was an experimental clinical research with pretest and post-test control group design conducted on 20 subjects with age ranged between 18-25 years old. All subjects were undergoing the last stage (finishing) of fixed active orthodontic treatment. The subjects were instructed to rinse with 60% of BL aqueous decoction and 0.2% chlorhexidine as a control. Wash out period that needed between rinsing with 60% of BL aqueous decoction and rinsing with 0.2% chlorhexidine was 7 days. Each mouthwash used routinely for 7 days with same duration and intensity. Plaque scoring was measured before and after each treatment using Orthodontic Plaque Index (OPI). Result: One-way Anova test showed that there was a significant difference in the plaque index before and after treatment between the group of rinsing with 60% of BL aqueous decoction and group of rinsing with chlorhexidine (p<0.05). Conclusion: Rinsing with 60% BL aqueous decoction can decrease the accumulation of dental plaque in fixed orthodontic appliance patients.
机译:背景:由于固定矫治器组件的存在,固定正畸矫治器患者增加牙齿表面牙菌斑堆积的风险很高。用含草药材料的抗菌剂漱口可控制牙菌斑的积聚。月桂叶(BL)包含活性化合物,例如香精油,单宁和类黄酮,这些化合物被称为抗菌剂。目的:本研究的目的是确定用60%的BL水煎剂冲洗对固定的正畸矫治器患者牙菌斑积累的影响。方法:这项研究是一项实验性临床研究,包括对20名年龄在18-25岁之间的受试者进行测试前和测试后对照组的设计。所有受试者均接受固定的主动正畸治疗的最后阶段(完成)。指示受试者用60%的BL水煎剂和0.2%的洗必泰冲洗作为对照。在用60%BL水汤冲洗和用0.2%洗必泰冲洗之间需要的冲洗时间为7天。每次漱口水常规使用7天,持续时间和强度相同。使用正畸菌斑指数(OPI)在每次治疗之前和之后测量菌斑得分。结果:单向方差分析表明,用60%BL水煎汤冲洗组和用洗必泰冲洗组之间在治疗前后的菌斑指数存在显着差异(p <0.05)。结论:用60%BL水煎汤冲洗可减少固定正畸矫治器患者牙菌斑的积聚。



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