首页> 外文期刊>Zoologia (Curitiba) >Distribution and relative abundance of large whales in a former whaling ground off eastern South America

Distribution and relative abundance of large whales in a former whaling ground off eastern South America




Ship-based sighting surveys for cetaceans were conducted in the former whaling ground off the northeastern coast of Brazil. The cruises took place in winter and spring of 1998-2001 with the objectives of investigating current distribution and abundance of cetaceans, particularly large whale species taken during whaling. In 1998 the survey were conducted between the parallels 5°30'W and 9°S and the 200 m isobath and the meridian 033°W. A total of about 3,100 nm were surveyed between 1998 and 2001 Surveys were conducted using line transect methods from about 5-10°S, and from the coast to 33°W. A total of 151 sightings (203 individuals) of large whales were recorded on effort. The Antarctic minke whale - Balaenoptera bonaerensis (Burmeister, 1867) was the most frequently sighted species (97 groups/132 individuals; Sighting Rate [SR] = 0.031 groupsm), being recorded only in offshore waters. Density gradually increased from August to October. Minke whales were distributed throughout the area, both to the north and the south of former whaling ground. Sighting data indicate this is the most abundant species, particularly in the area beyond the continental shelf break. Breeding behavior was observed for Antarctic minke whales, but few groups containing calves were recorded (4.3% of the groups sighted on effort). Three other large whale species were recorded in low numbers: the Bryde's whale - Balaenoptera edeni (Anderson, 1879)1; the sei whale, B. borealis (Lesson, 1828), and the sperm, Physeter macrocephalus (Linnaeus, 1758). Sei, Bryde and sperm whales were regularly caught during whaling operations, but are rare in the area, suggesting they were depleted by whaling and have yet to recover to their pre-explotation abundance. In contrast, minke whales are abundant in this area, suggesting that either they were not substantially depleted, or that they have recovered rapidly. Blue whale, Balaenoptera musculus (Linnaeus, 1758), and fin whale, B. physalus (Linnaeus, 1758), not recorded on our surveys, have always been extremely rare in the area.
机译:在巴西东北海岸前的捕鲸场中进行了鲸目动物的舰船目视调查。巡游于1998-2001年冬季和春季进行,目的是调查鲸类的当前分布和数量,特别是捕鲸期间捕捞的大型鲸类。 1998年,在平行5°30'W和9°S以及200 m等深线和033°W子午线之间进行了测量。在1998年至2001年之间,总共进行了约3,100海里的调查。调查采用的是线横断面法,从大约5-10°S,从海岸到33°W。总共记录了151次目击发现(203个人)的大鲸鱼。南极小须鲸-Balaenoptera bonaerensis(Burmeister,1867)是最常发现的物种(97组/ 132个个体;观测率[SR] = 0.031组/ nm),仅在近海记录。密度从8月到10月逐渐增加。小须鲸分布在整个地区,既往前捕鲸场的北部和南部。观测数据表明,这是最丰富的物种,尤其是在大陆架断裂带以外的地区。观察到南极小须鲸的繁殖行为,但记录到的含有小牛的组很少(占努力组的4.3%)。记录的其他三种大型鲸鱼数量很少:布莱德鲸-Balaenoptera edeni(Anderson,1879)1;鲸,B。boalis(Lesson,1828)和精子,Physeter macrocephalus(Linnaeus,1758)。 Sei,Bryde和抹香鲸在捕鲸活动中经常被捕到,但在该地区很少见,这表明它们已经被捕鲸消耗了,并且尚未恢复到捕捞前的丰度。相比之下,小须鲸在该地区盛产,表明它们没有被充分消耗,或者已经迅速恢复。在我们的调查中未记录到的蓝鲸,Balaenoptera musculus(Linnaeus,1758)和大头鲸B. physalus(Linnaeus,1758)在该地区一直极为罕见。



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