首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >'n Pastoraatsperspektief op dreigende werksverlies

'n Pastoraatsperspektief op dreigende werksverlies




A pastoral perspective on the threatening loss of employment The changing employment situation in South Africa is currently characterized by the various challenges it poses to individuals in the workplace, such as affirmative action, voluntary severance packages and discharges. Discharges are often associated with employment insecurity and the threatening loss of employment. A psychological approach to the threatening loss of employment is on its own inadequate. The aim of this article is to investigate the possibilities of a holistic approach as part of pastoral support to persons experiencing the threat of losing their employment. It aims to argue that pastoral care can benefit from a multi- disciplinary approach to the threatening loss of employment. However, pastoral care needs guidelines to facilitate its relationship with psychology and to assist in dealing with faith in the counselling process. This article makes use of Gerkin's model for pastoral care in order to provide some guidelines for pastoral care for individuals who are experiencing a protracted threat of loss of employment. Gerkin's model will be brought into dialogue with a cognitive behavioural therapeutic model.
机译:牧民对失业威胁的看法南非不断变化的就业状况目前的特点是给工作场所的个人带来各种挑战,例如平权行动,自愿遣散费和解雇。辞职通常与就业不安全和失业威胁有关。从心理上解决就业受到威胁的方法本身是不够的。本文的目的是研究采取整体方法作为对遭受失业威胁的人的牧民支持的一部分的可能性。它旨在论证说,牧业护理可以从多学科方法中受益,以解决可能面临的失业威胁。但是,牧师需要指导方针,以促进其与心理学的关系并协助在咨询过程中处理信仰。本文利用Gerkin的牧师服务模型,为遭受长期失业威胁的个人提供一些牧师服务指南。 Gerkin模型将与认知行为治疗模型进行对话。



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