首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Stochastic simulation experiment to assess radar rainfall retrieval uncertainties associated with attenuation and its correction

Stochastic simulation experiment to assess radar rainfall retrieval uncertainties associated with attenuation and its correction




As rainfall constitutes the main source of water for the terrestrialhydrological processes, accurate and reliable measurement and prediction ofits spatial and temporal distribution over a wide range of scales is animportant goal for hydrology. We investigate the potential of ground-basedweather radar to provide such measurements through a theoretical analysis of someof the associated observation uncertainties. A stochastic model of range profilesof raindrop size distributions is employed in a Monte Carlo simulation experimentto investigate the rainfall retrieval uncertainties associated withweather radars operating at X-, C-, and S-band. We focus in particular on theerrors and uncertainties associated with rain-induced signal attenuation andits correction for incoherent, non-polarimetric, single-frequency, operationalweather radars. The performance of two attenuation correction schemes, the (forward)Hitschfeld-Bordan algorithm and the (backward) Marzoug-Amayenc algorithm, is analyzedfor both moderate (assuming a 50 km path length) and intense Mediterranean rainfall(for a 30 km path). A comparison shows that the backward correction algorithmis more stable and accurate than the forward algorithm (with a bias in the orderof a few percent for the former, compared to tens of percent for the latter), providedreliable estimates of the total path-integrated attenuation are available. Moreover,the bias and root mean square error associated with each algorithm are quantifiedas a function of path-averaged rain rate and distance from the radar in order to providea plausible order of magnitude for the uncertainty in radar-retrieved rain rates forhydrological applications.
机译:由于降雨是陆地水文学过程的主要水源,因此准确,可靠地测量和预测其在大范围尺度上的时空分布是水文学的重要目标。我们通过对一些相关观测不确定性的理论分析来研究地面天气雷达提供此类测量的潜力。在蒙特卡罗模拟实验中,采用了雨滴大小分布范围分布的随机模型,以研究与在X波段,C波段和S波段运行的天气雷达相关的降雨恢复不确定性。我们特别关注与降雨引起的信号衰减相关的误差和不确定性,以及对非相干,非极化,单频,可操作天气雷达的校正。分析了两种衰减校正方案(正向(Hitschfeld-Bordan)算法和(反向)Marzoug-Amayenc算法)在适度(假定路径长度为50 km)和强烈地中海降雨(对于30 km路径)下的性能。比较表明,后向校正算法比前向算法更稳定和准确(前者的偏差为百分之几,而后者的偏差为百分之几十),前提是可靠地估算了总路径积分衰减可用。此外,与每种算法相关的偏差和均方根误差均被量化为路径平均降雨率和距雷达的距离的函数,以便为水文应用中雷达抽取的降雨率的不确定性提供一个合理的数量级。



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