首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >Detecting God in practices: Theology in an empirical–theological research project

Detecting God in practices: Theology in an empirical–theological research project




What is the nature of reality in theological research and how can this ‘theological' reality be known? Can we empirically research God's performance in reality? This article tries to find some common ground on this contested issue by presenting a debate between three Dutch practical theologians: Van der Ven, Immink, and Ganzevoort. Their positions on the theological dimension of empirical reality are traced, followed by some thoughts on critical realism and on a ‘cataphysic' approach to empirical theological research, inspired by the theologian Alister McGrath and the philosopher of science Roy Bhaskar. This results in three concluding remarks. Firstly, realisme and social constructionism are not excluding options. Social constructions presuppose the existence of reality. Secondly, a stratified model of reality, perceiving the nature of reality as emergent, layered, and complex, points in the direction of multidisciplinary discourses and helps to avoid forms of reductionism. Thirdly, prioritizing the ontology of a stratified reality that reflects revelation, creates a common ground for the debate on the nature of theological reality.
机译:在神学研究中,现实的本质是什么?如何知道这个“神学”的现实?我们可以通过实证研究上帝在现实中的表现吗?本文试图通过在三位荷兰实用神学家之间进行辩论来寻找有关这一有争议问题的共识:范德文,伊明克和甘泽沃特。他们追寻了他们在经验现实的神学维度上的立场,随后受到了神学家Alister McGrath和科学哲学家Roy Bhaskar的启发,对批判现实主义和实证神学研究的“分类物理学”方法进行了一些思考。这导致了三个结论。首先,现实主义和社会建构主义并不排除选择。社会建构以现实的存在为前提。其次,分层的现实模型将现实的本质视为新兴的,分层的和复杂的,指出了多学科话语的方向,并有助于避免减少主义的形式。第三,优先考虑反映启示的分层现实的本体,为辩论神学现实的性质创造了共同基础。



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