首页> 外文期刊>HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies >Reading and proclaiming the Birth Narratives from Luke and Matthew: A study in empirical theology amongst curates and their training incumbents employing the SIFT method

Reading and proclaiming the Birth Narratives from Luke and Matthew: A study in empirical theology amongst curates and their training incumbents employing the SIFT method




Drawing on Jungian psychological type theory, the SIFT method of biblical hermeneutics and liturgical preaching suggests that the reading and proclaiming of scripture reflects the psychological type preferences of the reader and preacher. This thesis is examined amongst two samples of curates and training incumbents (N = 23, 27), serving in one Diocese of the Church of England, who completed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Firstly, the narrative of the shepherds from Luke was discussed by groups organised according to scores on the perceiving process. In accordance with the theory, sensing types focused on details in the passage, but could reach no consensus on the larger picture, and intuitive types quickly identified an imaginative, integrative theme, but showed little interest in the details. Secondly, the narrative of the massacre of the infants from Matthew was discussed by groups organised according to scores on the judging process. In accordance with theory, the thinking types identified and analysed the big themes raised by the passage (political power, theodicy, obedience), whilst the feeling types placed much more emphasis on the impact that the passage may have on members of the congregation mourning the death of their child or grandchild.
机译:借鉴荣格人的心理类型理论,圣经解释学和礼拜式讲道的SIFT方法表明,读经和宣读经文反映了读者和传教士的心理类型偏好。本论文是在英国教会的一个教区中完成的两个Myers-Briggs类型指标的牧师和受训人员样本(N = 23、27)中检验的。首先,卢克(Luke)的牧羊人的叙事是根据感知过程中的分数组织的小组讨论的。按照该理论,感官类型专注于段落中的细节,但无法在较大的图片上达成共识,直觉类型很快就确定了一个富有想象力的综合主题,但对细节却兴趣不大。其次,马修婴儿惨案的叙述是根据评审过程中的分数组织的小组讨论的。根据理论,思维类型确定并分析了段落所引发的重大主题(政治权力,神学,服从),而情感类型则更加强调段落可能对会众哀悼的影响。他们的孩子或孙子的死亡。



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