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Theological remarks on the Accra Confession




This article provides a critical evaluation of the Accra Confession (WARC 2004). The misery in various regions of the southern hemisphere poses an extreme ethical challenge for the Christian faith; the outcry for justice should not be left unheeded. It is necessary that the causes of this misery should be clearly described before viable strategies for overcoming it can be developed. The Accra Confession seems to be rather one-dimensional in its evaluation of reality. The ethical charge implied by the term ‘confession' is of little use when dealing with complex global fields of action that only rarely allow a simple equation of cause and reaction. It is not so much a ‘confession' (or Bekenntnis) that is needed but rather a renewed discussion among all concerned on the best ways to achieve more justice.
机译:本文对阿克拉自白(WARC 2004)进行了严格的评估。南半球各个地区的苦难对基督教信仰构成了极端的道德挑战。正义的呼声不容忽视。在制定可行的解决方法之前,必须清楚地描述这种痛苦的原因。阿克拉自白在评价现实时似乎是一维的。在处理复杂的全球行动领域时,“认罪”一词所隐含的道德指控没有多大用处,而这些行动领域很少允许简单地使用因果关系和反应等式。与其说是“坦白”,不如说是“坦白”,而是所有有关各方在重新寻求最佳正义的最佳方式上的重新讨论。



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