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Spontaneous Passage of GallbladderCalculi-Facilitation by Endoscopic Sphincterotomy




After Endoscopic sphincterotopy (ES) gallbladdermotility increases leading to expulsion of crystalsand stones. But this is not a universal phenomenon.We evaluated cholangiographic findings in patientsemptying their gallbladder after ES for commonbile duct (CBD) stones. Cholangiographic featuresof twenty patients expelling gallbladder calculiafter ES were studied. Controls included 20 age andsex matched patients with gallstones and CBDstones, who did not expel gallstones after ES. Of 20cases in study group, 9 recovered more than 20stones each in the stool within 7 days of ES. RepeatERCP showed empty gallbladder in all, whereasCBD was full of stones in 11 of the 20 cases. In thestudy group, low insertion of the cystic duct wasmore common (10 vs 0,p<0.04), the cystic ductmade a narrow angle (20±5° vs 50±10°,p<0.04)with CBD before insertion and cystic duct diameterwas higher (5 mm vs 2.5 mm,p<0.04) as comparedto controls. We conclude that in patients undergoingES with intact gallbladder and small gallbladdercalculi, spontaneous emptying ofgallbladder calculi occurs, if cystic duct is wider,has low insertion and makes narrow angle withCBD before insertion.
机译:内镜括约肌(ES)后胆囊运动性增加,导致晶体和结石排出。但这不是普遍现象。我们评估了胆总管结石在ES后空置胆囊的患者的胆管造影结果。研究了20例ES后胆囊结石排出的患者的胆道造影特征。对照组包括20名年龄和性别相匹配的胆结石和CBD结石患者,他们在ES后未排出胆结石。在研究组的20例病例中,有9例在ES的7天内在粪便中各回收了20多个结石。 RepeatERCP的胆囊全部为空,而CBD的20例中有11例充满了结石。在研究组中,较常见的是胆囊管低位插入(10 vs 0,p <0.04),在插入和胆囊管前,CBD使胆管狭窄(20±5°vs 50±10°,p <0.04)。与对照组相比,直径更高(5毫米对2.5毫米,p <0.04)。我们得出的结论是,在接受完整胆囊和小胆结石的ES患者中,胆囊结石会自发排空,如果胆囊管较宽,插入率较低,并且在插入前与CBD形成狭窄角度。



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