首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Climatological characteristics of raindrop size distributions in Busan, Republic of Korea

Climatological characteristics of raindrop size distributions in Busan, Republic of Korea




Raindrop size distribution (DSD) characteristics within the complex area of Busan, Republic of Korea (35.12°?N, 129.10°?E), were studied using a Precipitation Occurrence Sensor System (POSS) disdrometer over a 4-year period from 24 February 2001 to 24 December 2004. Also, to find the dominant characteristics of polarized radar parameters, which are differential radar reflectivity (iZ/isubdr/sub), specific differential phase (iK/isubdp/sub) and specific attenuation (iA/isubh/sub), bT/b-matrix scattering simulation was applied in the present study. To analyze the climatological DSD characteristics in more detail, the entire period of recorded rainfall was divided into 10 categories not only covering different temporal and spatial scales, but also different rainfall types. When only convective rainfall was considered, mean values of mass-weighted mean diameter (iD/isubm/sub) and normalized number concentration (iN/isubw/sub) values for all these categories converged around a maritime cluster, except for rainfall associated with typhoons. The convective rainfall of a typhoon showed much smaller iD/isubm/sub and larger iN/isubw/sub compared with the other rainfall categories. brbr In terms of diurnal DSD variability, we analyzed maritime (continental) precipitation during the daytime (DT) (nighttime, NT), which likely results from sea (land) wind identified through wind direction analysis. These features also appeared in the seasonal diurnal distribution. The DT and NT probability density function (PDF) during the summer was similar to the PDF of the entire study period. However, the DT and NT PDF during the winter season displayed an inverse distribution due to seasonal differences in wind direction.
机译:从大韩民国釜山(35.12°N,129.10°E)复杂区域内的雨滴大小分布(DSD)特征,使用降水发生传感器系统(POSS)测距仪在4年内进行了研究。 2001年2月24日至2004年12月24日。此外,要找到极化雷达参数的主要特征,即差分雷达反射率( Z dr ),特定差分相位( K dp )和特定衰减( A h ), T -矩阵散射模拟为在本研究中应用。为了更详细地分析气候DSD特征,将整个记录的降雨分为10个类别,不仅涵盖不同的时空尺度,而且涵盖不同的降雨类型。仅考虑对流降雨时,质量加权平均直径( D m )和归一化浓度数( N w)的平均值)值(除与台风有关的降雨外)围绕一个海洋群集汇聚。与其他降雨类别相比,台风的对流降雨表现出较小的 D m 和较大的 N w 。 就每日DSD的变异性而言,我们分析了白天(DT)(夜间,NT)的海事(大陆)降水,这可能是通过风向分析确定的海(陆)风的结果。这些特征也出现在季节性的昼夜分布中。夏季的DT和NT概率密度函数(PDF)与整个研究期的PDF相似。但是,由于风向的季节性差异,冬季的DT和NT PDF呈反比分布。



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