首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >The COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Interaction Code (COSMIC) for use in data assimilation

The COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Interaction Code (COSMIC) for use in data assimilation




Soil moisture status in land surface models (LSMs) can be updated byassimilating cosmic-ray neutron intensity measured in air above the surface.This requires a fast and accurate model to calculate the neutron intensityfrom the profiles of soil moisture modeled by the LSM. The existing MonteCarlo N-Particle eXtended (MCNPX) model is sufficiently accurate but tooslow to be practical in the context of data assimilation. Consequently analternative and efficient model is needed which can be calibrated accuratelyto reproduce the calculations made by MCNPX and used to substitute for MCNPXduring data assimilation. This paper describes the construction andcalibration of such a model, COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Interaction Code (COSMIC), which is simple, physically based andanalytic, and which, because it runs at least 50 000 times faster than MCNPX, isappropriate in data assimilation applications. The model includes simpledescriptions of (a) degradation of the incoming high-energy neutron fluxwith soil depth, (b) creation of fast neutrons at each depth in the soil,and (c) scattering of the resulting fast neutrons before they reach the soilsurface, all of which processes may have parameterized dependency on thechemistry and moisture content of the soil. The site-to-site variability inthe parameters used in COSMIC is explored for 42 sample sites in theCOsmic-ray Soil Moisture Observing System (COSMOS), and the comparativeperformance of COSMIC relative to MCNPX when applied to representinteractions between cosmic-ray neutrons and moist soil is explored. At anexample site in Arizona, fast-neutron counts calculated by COSMIC from theaverage soil moisture profile given by an independent network of pointmeasurements in the COSMOS probe footprint are similar to the fast-neutronintensity measured by the COSMOS probe. It was demonstrated that, when usedwithin a data assimilation framework to assimilate COSMOS probe counts intothe Noah land surface model at the Santa Rita Experimental Range field site,the calibrated COSMIC model provided an effective mechanism for translatingmodel-calculated soil moisture profiles into aboveground fast-neutroncount when applied with two radically different approaches used to removethe bias between data and model.
机译:可以通过吸收地表以上空气中的宇宙射线中子强度来更新陆地表面模型(LSMs)中的土壤水分状态,这需要一种快速,准确的模型来根据LSM建模的土壤水分剖面来计算中子强度。现有的蒙特卡洛N粒子扩展(MCNPX)模型足够准确,但在数据同化的情况下太慢而无法实用。因此,需要一种可高效校准的替代模型,以精确再现MCNPX所做的计算,并在数据同化过程中替代MCNPX。本文介绍了这种模型的构造和校准,即“宇宙射线土壤水分相互作用代码”(COSMIC),该模型简单,基于物理并且可以进行分析,并且由于其运行速度至少比MCNPX快5万倍,因此适用于数据同化应用。该模型包括以下简单描述:(a)随着土壤深度的变化,进入的高能中子通量的降解;(b)在土壤中的每个深度处产生快中子;以及(c)所产生的快中子在到达土壤表面之前发生散射;所有这些过程都可能对土壤的化学和水分含量有参数化的依赖性。在宇宙射线土壤水分观测系统(COSMOS)中对42个样本站点探索了COSMIC中使用的参数的站点间差异,以及当将COSMIC用于表示宇宙射线中子与潮湿土壤之间的相互作用时,COSMIC与MCNPX的比较性能被探索。在亚利桑那州的一个示例站点上,由COSMIC根据COSMOS探针足迹中独立的点测量网络给出的平均土壤湿度剖面通过COSMIC计算得出的中子计数与COSMOS探针测量的中子强度相似。结果表明,当在数据同化框架内将COSMOS探针计数同化到Santa Rita实验范围野外现场的Noah地表模型中时,校准后的COSMIC模型提供了一种有效的机制,可以将模型计算出的土壤水分剖面转化为地上快速中子数与两种根本不同的方法一起使用时,这些方法可消除数据和模型之间的偏差。



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