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Posthuman Ethics, Violence, Creaturely Suffering and the (Other) Animal: Schnurre’s Postwar Animal Stories




The othering of whole groups of people in a biopolitical discourse during the Third Reich has caused many to re-assess ethics that is based on specific categories. Adorno and Horkheimer reckoned with both Enlightenment as well as classical “humanist” discourses to question whether they imply structures that lead to fascism. In the wake of these arguments, classical humanist (or sometimes also called anthropocentric) ethics have also been criticized by philosophers such as Agamben, Derrida, and Wolfe. It is thus time to work on posthuman(ist) ethics that avoids the traps of a narrow human ethics and that is inclusive rather than exclusive. The short stories by postwar German author Wolfdietrich Schnurre, written in the wake of the Holocaust, reckon with a purely human-centered worldview and draw a bleak picture of an anthropocentrically structured and valued world. Under the surface that portrays a speciesist world, Schnurre employs a network of sub-discourses to “cave out” carno-phallogocentric discourses and point towards a different, post-human ethics. This paper examines how anthropocentric discourses of power lead to inhumane violence and how a different approach to the Other, based on empathy and shared vulnerability, might just move us beyond it.
机译:在第三帝国时期,整个人群在生物政治话语中的相互影响导致许多人重新评估基于特定类别的伦理。阿多诺和霍克海默都对启蒙运动和经典的“人本主义”论述都提出了质疑,以质疑它们是否暗示导致法西斯主义的结构。在这些争论之后,诸如阿甘本,德里达和沃尔夫这样的哲学家也批评了古典人本主义(有时也称为人类中心主义)伦理学。因此,现在该是研究后人类(主义)伦理学的时候了,它避免了狭the的人类伦理学的陷阱,并且是包容而不是排他的。战后德国作家沃尔夫·迪特里希·施努尔(Wolfdietrich Schnurre)的短篇小说,是在大屠杀之后写成的,以纯粹的以人为中心的世界观来看待,并描绘了一个以人类为中心的结构化和有价值的世界的惨淡景象。在刻画一个物种主义世界的表面之下,施努尔利用子语篇网络“挖出”食肉动物中心语篇,并指向另一种后人类伦理。本文研究了以人类为中心的权力话语如何导致不人道的暴力,以及基于同理心和共同脆弱性的对他人的不同对待方式如何可能使我们超越这一范围。



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