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The Potential Role of Intraoperative Ultrasonography in the Surgical Treatment of Hilar Cholangiocarci noma




The role of intraoperative ultrasonography (IOU) in the surgical treatment of hilar cholangiocarcinomawas explored in twenty-two patients, 17 males and 5 females. The mean age was55 years (range 36-78 years). Preoperative imaging studies included abdominal ultra-sonographyand/or CT scan, and visceral angiography. Operations performed were segment IIIbypass in 18 patients, local resection of tumour in 2 and resection of tumouren blocwith lefthepatectomy in 2. Interpretation of IOU in terms of vascular involvement by the tumour (ascompared to angiography or operative findings) was correct in 21 patients; no vascular invasionin 20 and portal vein invasion in the remainder. One false negative result occurred in a patientwhose IOU failed to show right hepatic artery encasement by the tumour. When compared topostoperative cholangiography or surgical specimen, IOU correctly demon-strated location andextent of the tumours in all but one patient who had incomplete tumour resection. IOU was alsohelpful in locating segment III duct for biliary bypass. The mean time used for IOU was 15.1 min(range 10-20 min.), and there was no procedure-related com-plication. When supplemented withoperative exploration, IOU seems to be very useful in the assessment of the resectability of hilarcholangiocarcinoma.
机译:术中超声(IOU)在肝门胆管癌的外科手术治疗中的作用探讨了22例患者,男17例,女5例。平均年龄为55岁(范围为36-78岁)。术前影像学检查包括腹部超声检查和/或CT扫描以及内脏血管造影。进行的手术有18例行III段旁路切开术,2例行肿瘤局部切除术,2例行左肝切除术切除肿瘤组。21例患者对血管的IOU解释(与血管造影或手术结果相比)是正确的。 20内无血管浸润,其余部位无门静脉浸润。 IOU未能显示出右肝动脉被肿瘤包裹的患者发生了一项假阴性结果。与术后胆道造影或手术标本相比,IOU可以正确显示肿瘤切除的位置和范围,只有一名肿瘤切除不完全的患者。借条还有助于定位III段胆道搭桥。用于IOU的平均时间为15.1分钟(范围为10-20分钟),并且没有与手术相关的并发症。当补充手术探查时,IOU似乎在评估肺胆管癌的可切除性方面非常有用。



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