首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Future high-mountain hydrology: a new parameterization of glacier retreat

Future high-mountain hydrology: a new parameterization of glacier retreat




Global warming is expected to significantly affect the runoff regimeof mountainous catchments. Simple methods for calculating futureglacier change in hydrological models are required in order toreliably assess economic impacts of changes in the water cycle overthe next decades. Models for temporal and spatial glacier evolutionneed to describe the climate forcing acting on the glacier, and iceflow dynamics. Flow models, however, demand considerable computationalresources and field data input and are moreover not applicable on theregional scale. Here, we propose a simple parameterization forcalculating the change in glacier surface elevation and area, which ismass conserving and suited for hydrological modelling. The Δh-parameterization is an empirical glacier-specific function derivedfrom observations in the past that can easily be applied to largesamples of glaciers. We compare the Δh-parameterization toresults of a 3-D finite-element ice flow model. As case studies, theevolution of two Alpine glaciers of different size over the period2008–2100 is investigated using regional climate scenarios. Theparameterization closely reproduces the distributed ice thicknesschange, as well as glacier area and length predicted by the ice flowmodel. This indicates that for the purpose of transient runoffforecasts, future glacier geometry change can be approximated using asimple parameterization instead of complex ice flowmodelling. Furthermore, we analyse alpine glacier response to 21stcentury climate change and consequent shifts in the runoff regime of ahighly glacierized catchment using the proposed methods.
机译:预计全球变暖将严重影响山区流域的径流状况。为了可靠地评估未来几十年水循环变化的经济影响,需要一种简单的方法来计算水文模型中未来冰川的变化。时空冰川演化模型需要描述作用于冰川的气候强迫以及冰流动力学。但是,流量模型需要大量的计算资源和现场数据输入,而且不适用于区域规模。在这里,我们提出了一个简单的参数化方法,用于计算冰川表面高程和面积的变化,这种方法具有质量守恒性,适合进行水文模拟。 Δ h 参数化是一种经验性的,特定于冰川的函数,可以从过去的观测中得出,可以很容易地应用于大型冰川样本。我们比较了Δ h 参数化对3-D有限元冰流模型的结果。作为案例研究,使用区域气候情景研究了2008-2100年期间两个大小不同的高山冰川的演变。参数化紧密地再现了分布的冰厚度变化,以及由冰流模型预测的冰川面积和长度。这表明,出于瞬时径流预报的目的,可以使用简单的参数化方法而不是复杂的冰流模型来估算未来冰川的几何形状变化。此外,我们使用提出的方法分析了高山冰川对21世纪气候变化的响应以及随之而来的高度冰川化集水区径流量的变化。



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