首页> 外文期刊>Health expectations: an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy >Quality of life and attitudes to ageing in Turkish older adults at old people's homes

Quality of life and attitudes to ageing in Turkish older adults at old people's homes

机译: T 土耳其老年人在老年人家中的生活质量和对衰老的态度



Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate quality of life ( QOL ) and attitudes to ageing in T urkish older adults at two old people's homes (nursing homes) and to explain relationship between QOL and attitudes to ageing. Methods This study is a quantitative and descriptive exploratory study of QOL and attitudes to ageing of older adults in nursing homes in a developing country. Instruments Two international data measurement tools were used for data collection. Data measurement instruments in this study are The W orld H ealth O rganization Q uality of L ife I nstrument– O lder A dults M odule ( WHOQOL ‐ OLD ) and the WHO – A ttitudes to A geing Q uestionnaire ( AAQ ). The WHOQOL ‐ OLD module consists of 24 items assigned to six facets (sensory abilities, autonomy, past, present and future activities, social participation, death and dying and intimacy) AAQ consists of 24 items classified in three domains (psychosocial loss, physical change and psychological growth) with eight items each. Participants The T urkish version of the WHOQOL ‐ OLD and AAQ was administered to 120 older (65?years) adults living in two old people's homes in S amsun P rovince, T urkey. This study was conducted and planned between on 1 N ovember 2011 and on 31 N ovember, 2011. Results The results indicated that there was significant relationship between QOL and attitudes to ageing of older adults. In this study, the highest significant relationship is between psychological growth subscale of attitudes to ageing and sensory abilities subscale of QOL (r ?=?0.579; P ??0.01). Overall QOL and overall attitudes to ageing had a significant and positive relationship (r ?=?0.408; P ??0.01). The dimensions of attitudes to ageing (psychosocial loss, physical change and psychological growth) were significant predictors for QOL in older adults in T urkey. It was found that the gender does not affect overall QOL in older adults. However, happiness is significant variable for overall QOL in this study. Conclusion The results suggest that QOL is a complex, multidimensional concept that should be studied at different levels of analysis in T urkey and other developing countries. The results of this study emphasize the importance of QOL in older adults in older people's homes in T urkey and attitudes to ageing of nursing home residents in T urkey.
机译:目的这项研究的目的是调查两个老人家(疗养院)中土耳其老年人的生活质量(QOL)和对衰老的态度,并解释QOL与衰老态度之间的关系。方法:本研究是对发展中国家的养老院中的QOL和对老年人衰老态度的定量描述性探索性研究。仪器两种国际数据测量工具用于数据收集。这项研究中的数据测量工具是:世界卫生组织文件质量–奥德尔模块(WHOQOL-OLD)和WHO –应对老年问卷的态度(AAQ)。 WHOQOL-OLD模块由分配给六个方面的24个项目(感官能力,自主性,过去,现在和将来的活动,社会参与,死亡,垂死和亲密关系)组成。AAQ由24个项目组成,分为三个领域(社会心理损失,身体变化)和心理成长),每个都有八项。参与者土耳其语版本的WHOQOL OLD和AAQ适用于居住在土耳其萨姆松省的两个老人家中的120位年龄较大(> 65岁)的成年人。这项研究是在2011年11月1日至2011年11月31日之间进行和计划的。结果结果表明,QOL与老年人的衰老态度之间存在显着关系。在这项研究中,最高的显着关系是对年龄的态度的心理增长子量表与QOL的感觉能力子量表之间的相关性( = 0.579;

<0.01)。总体生活质量和对衰老的态度之间存在显着正相关(r = 0.408; P = 0.01)。在土耳其,老年人对衰老的态度(社会心理损失,身体变化和心理成长)的维度是生活质量的重要预测指标。发现性别不会影响老年人的总体生活质量。然而,在这项研究中,幸福感是整个QOL的重要变量。结论结果表明,QOL是一个复杂的多维概念,应在土耳其和其他发展中国家进行不同分析级别的研究。这项研究的结果强调了土耳其在老年人之家中老年人的生活质量的重要性,以及对土耳其养老院居民衰老的态度。



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