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YouTube Enhanced Case Teaching in Health Management and Policy




Purpose Case teaching is a popular method of health management and policy education but its relationship with technology is outdated. While several major publishers of case teaching materials have recently incorporated internet videos and other multimedia and online content into their offerings, these video case teaching materials are mostly on the manufacturing industry and not on the health care services industry. This project aims to expand existing case teaching materials with YouTube videos, and to report preliminary findings on learning outcomes. Method YouTube videos were selected to enhance course topics and materials found in traditional text based materials. Original videos were created in the style of Khan Academy, to prerecord short lectures promoted in the literatures on case teaching and flip format learning. Online course evaluations measured student progress on learning objectives. Results Online course evaluations were completed by 48 of 93 students. All responding students reported making progress on “acquiring skills in working with others as a member of a team” and “developing skill in expressing myself orally or in writing”. For both objectives, most of the students reported making “exceptional progress”. Discussion YouTube videos can be a valuable source of content to supplement existing case teaching materials in health management and policy. More research is needed to distinguish the effects of YouTube videos from other case teaching materials and flipped format aspects of course design. The general method of YouTube enhanced case teaching might be expanded beyond health management and policy to other topics in health professions education.
机译:目的案例教学是一种流行的健康管理和政策教育方法,但它与技术的关系已经过时。尽管案例教学材料的几家主要发行商最近将互联网视频以及其他多媒体和在线内容纳入了他们的产品,但是这些视频案例教学材料主要用于制造业,而不是医疗服务行业。该项目旨在利用YouTube视频扩展现有的案例教学材料,并报告有关学习成果的初步发现。方法选择YouTube视频以增强课程主题和传统基于文本的资料中的资料。以可汗学院的风格制作了原始视频,以预先录制文献中推广的有关案例教学和翻转格式学习的简短讲座。在线课程评估衡量了学生在学习目标上的进步。结果93位学生中有48位完成了在线课程评估。所有回答的学生都报告说在“获得与团队成员一起工作的技巧”和“发展口头表达或书面表达能力方面”方面取得了进展。对于这两个目标,大多数学生都表示取得了“超常进步”。讨论YouTube视频可以成为有价值的内容来源,以补充健康管理和政策方面的现有案例教学材料。需要更多的研究来区分YouTube视频与其他案例教学材料和课程设计的翻转格式方面的影响。 YouTube增强案例教学的一般方法可能会从健康管理和政策扩展到健康专业教育中的其他主题。



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