首页> 外文期刊>Yonsei Medical Journal >Transplantation of Neural Stem Cells: Cellular & Gene Therapy for Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury

Transplantation of Neural Stem Cells: Cellular & Gene Therapy for Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury




We have tracked the response of host and transplanted neural progenitors or stem cells to hypoxic-ischemic (HI) brain injury, and explored the therapeutic potential of neural stem cells (NSCs) injected into mice brains subjected to focal HI injury. Such cells may integrace appropriately into the degenerating central nervous system (CNS), and showed robust engraftment and foreign gene expression within the region of HI inury. They appeared to have migrated preferentially to the site of ischemia, experienced limited proliferation, and differentiated into neural cells lost to injury, trying to repopulate the damaged brain area. The transplantation of exogenous NSCs may, in fact, augment a natural self-repair process in which the damaged CNS "attempts" to mobilize its own pool of stem cells. Providing additional NSCs and trophic factors may optimize this response. Therefore, NSCs may provide a novel approach to reconstituting brains damaged by HI brain injury. Preliminary data in animal models of stroke lends support to these hypotheses.
机译:我们已经跟踪了宿主和移植的神经祖细胞或干细胞对缺氧缺血性(HI)脑损伤的反应,并探索了神经干细胞(NSCs)注射到遭受局部HI损伤的小鼠大脑中的治疗潜力。这样的细胞可以适当整合到退化的中枢神经系统(CNS)中,并在HI inury区域内显示出强大的植入和外源基因表达。它们似乎已经优先迁移到缺血部位,经历了有限的增殖,并分化成因损伤而丢失的神经细胞,试图重新填充受损的大脑区域。实际上,外源NSC的移植可能会增强自然的自我修复过程,其中受损的CNS会“试图”动员其自己的干细胞库。提供其他NSC和营养因素可能会优化此响应。因此,神经干细胞可能提供一种新颖的方法来重建受HI脑损伤损害的大脑。中风动物模型中的初步数据支持了这些假设。



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