首页> 外文期刊>Western Journal of Emergency Medicine >Evaluation of California’s Alcohol and Drug Screening and Brief Intervention Project for Emergency Department Patients

Evaluation of California’s Alcohol and Drug Screening and Brief Intervention Project for Emergency Department Patients




Introduction: Visits to settings such as emergency departments (EDs) may present a “teachable moment” in that a patient may be more open to feedback and suggestions regarding their risky alcohol and illicit drug-use behaviors. Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an ’opportunistic’ public health approach that targets low-risk users, in addition to those already dependent on alcohol and/or drugs. SBIRT programs provide patients with comprehensive screening and assessments, and deliver interventions of appropriate intensity to reduce risks related to alcohol and drug use. Methods: This study used a single group pre-post test design to assess the effect of the California SBIRT service program (i.e., CASBIRT) on 6 substance-use outcomes (past-month prevalence and number of days of binge drinking, illegal drug use, and marijuana use). Trained bilingual/bicultural Health Educators attempted to screen all adult patients in 12 EDs/trauma centers (regardless of the reason for the patient’s visit) using a short instrument, and then delivered a brief motivational intervention matched to the patient’s risk level. A total of 2,436 randomly selected patients who screened positive for alcohol and/or drug use consented to be in a 6-month telephone follow-up interview. Because of the high loss to follow-up rate, we used an intention-to-treat approach for the data analysis. Results: Results of generalized linear mixed models showed modest reductions in all 6 drug- and alcohol-use outcomes. Men (versus women), those at relatively higher risk status (versus lower risk), and those with only one substance of misuse (versus both alcohol and illicit drug misuse) tended to show more positive change. Conclusion: These results suggest that SBIRT services provided in acute care settings are associated with modest changes in self-reported recent alcohol and illicit drug use. [West J Emerg Med. 2013;14(3):263–270.].
机译:简介:拜访急诊室(ED)等机构可能会带来一个“可教导的时刻”,因为患者可能会更愿意就其危险的饮酒和非法药物使用行为提供反馈和建议。筛查,简短干预和转介治疗(SBIRT)是一种“机会主义”的公共卫生方法,除了已经依赖于酒精和/或毒品的人群之外,还针对低风险人群。 SBIRT计划为患者提供全面的筛查和评估,并提供适当强度的干预措施,以减少与饮酒和吸毒相关的风险。方法:本研究使用单组事前测试设计评估了加利福尼亚SBIRT服务计划(即CASBIRT)对6种药物使用结局的影响(过去一个月的患病率和暴饮暴食的天数,非法使用毒品)和大麻使用)。受过训练的双语/双文化健康教育者试图使用一种短工具在12个急诊室/创伤中心(不论患者来访的原因)中筛查所有成年患者,然后根据患者的风险水平进行简短的动机干预。共有2436名随机选择的酒精和/或药物使用阳性的患者同意接受为期6个月的电话随访。由于随访率高,我们使用意向性治疗方法进行数据分析。结果:广义线性混合模型的结果显示,所有6种药物和酒精使用结局均有所减少。男性(相对于女性),风险相对较高的人群(相对较低的风险)以及仅具有一种滥用物质(相对于酒精和非法药物滥用)的人群往往表现出更大的积极变化。结论:这些结果表明,在急诊环境中提供的SBIRT服务与自我报告的近期饮酒和非法药物使用的适度变化有关。 [西急救医学杂志。 2013; 14(3):263-270。]。



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