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Swine aflatoxicosis outbreak in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil




An outbreak of aflatoxicosis in a swine herd, which occurred in fall 2004 in the county of Sentinela do Sul, RS, is described. The corn, which contained the micotoxin and has been used to feed the animals, was produced and processed on the farm. Seven sows and 8 growing pigs died, and 2 cases of abortion were reported. The clinical signs observed were apathy, anorexia, icterus, yellowish urine stained with blood, and photosensitization. Gamma glutamyltransferase and total bilirubin were elevated in the 4 pigs on which post-mortem examination was done. The main macroscopic findings were generalized icterus, an orange-yellow liver, edema of the gall bladder wall and yellowish effusion in the abdominal and pericardial cavities. The most important microscopic changes were found in the liver and included tumefaction, degeneration and individual necrosis of the parenchyme, with ductal proliferation and cholestasis. The diagnosis was based on the clinical signs, macroscopic and histological findings and on the high levels of B1 aflatoxin found in the corn and ration. Index
机译:描述了2004年秋季在RS的Sentitinela do Sul县发生的猪群黄曲霉病暴发。在农场生产和加工了含有微毒素的玉米,该玉米已被用来喂养动物。有7头母猪和8头生长猪死亡,并报告了2例流产。观察到的临床体征为冷漠,厌食,黄疸,尿色带血的淡黄色和光敏性。在进行死后检查的4只猪中,γ-谷氨酰转移酶和总胆红素升高。宏观上的主要发现是广泛的黄疸,橙黄色的肝,胆囊壁水肿以及腹腔和心包腔的黄色积液。在肝脏中发现了最重要的微观变化,包括肿胀,变性和实质坏死,以及导管增生和胆汁淤积。诊断的依据是临床体征,宏观和组织学发现以及玉米和日粮中高水平的B1黄曲霉毒素。指数



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