首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Occurrence of blue-green algae in the drinking water of extensively raised cattle

Occurrence of blue-green algae in the drinking water of extensively raised cattle




> size="2" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">In extensive animal husbandry, natural or artificial ponds allow direct access of cattle to water but result in degradation of water quality and in increased health risks. Under such circumstances eutrophication occurs and consequently algal bloom, among them toxigenic cyanobacteria. The present study aimed to report the occurrence of cyanobacteria in the drinking water of cattle and to describe their physical and chemical parameters, as pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen. Nineteen samples of natural ponds or water troughs formed predominantly as result of rainfall from six farms located in the Southeast and Midwest regions of Brazil were analyzed for the presence of cyanobacteria, and pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen was measured. Microcystis and/or Merismopedia were detected in two ponds; one of them was covered with intense flowering. The values of pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen in 19 collections were pH 7.2-9.7, 31-34oC and 7.8-30mg/l respectively. Also non-pathogenic algae of several genera were detected besides the occurrence or not of cianogenics. Under these conditions, the common practices of drinking water supply for extensively raised cattle and the possibilities of eutrophication and cyanobacterial growth bring potential risks for animal health.
机译:> size =“ 2” face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif”>在广泛的畜牧业中,天然或人工池塘可以使牛直接进入水域,但会导致水质下降并增加水质健康风险。在这种情况下,会发生富营养化并因此引起藻华,其中包括产毒蓝藻。本研究旨在报告牛饮用水中蓝细菌的发生,并描述其理化参数,例如pH,温度和溶解氧。对来自巴西东南部和中西部地区六个农场的降雨形成的19个天然池塘或水槽样品进行了分析,分析了蓝细菌的存在,并测量了pH,温度和溶解氧。在两个池塘中发现了微囊藻和/或 Merismopedia ;其中之一覆盖着强烈的花朵。 19个收集物中的pH值,温度和溶解氧分别为pH 7.2-9.7、31-34oC和7.8-30mg / l。此外,除了有无致癌性外,还检测了数个属的非致病性藻类。在这种情况下,大面积饲养牛的饮用水供应的常规做法以及富营养化和蓝细菌生长的可能性给动物健康带来了潜在风险。



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