首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Diseases of goats diagnosed in the Central region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 114 cases

Diseases of goats diagnosed in the Central region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: 114 cases




> face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">A retrospective study of the goat necropsies performed over a period of 48 years (1964 to 2011) at the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul (RS) state, Brazil, was performed. A total of 114 reports of goat necropsies were analyzed. Ninety five necropsies (83.33%) had a conclusive diagnosis and 19 (19.66%) had inconclusive diagnosis. Out of the conclusive cases, infectious and parasitary diseases were the most prevalent, followed, in decreasing order of prevalence, by metabolic and nutritional diseases, poisonings and toxi-infections, and developmental diseases. Other conditions or lesions that did not fit any of the above groups of diseases affected about 10% of the necropsied goats. Hemonchosis was the most prevalent cause of death in this study. Eimeriosis and listeriosis were also important causes of goat deaths. Among the metabolic and nutritional diseases, urolithiasis, osteoporosis, pregnancy toxemia, malnutrition, and white muscle disease were the most prevalent. Mostly the infectious and parasitary diseases and the metabolic and nutritional diseases occurred many times as outbreaks, causing even more important economic losses.
机译:> face =“ Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif” size =“ 2”>在PatologiaVeterinária实验室进行了48年(1964年至2011年)的山羊尸检的回顾性研究,巴西南里奥格兰德州(Rs)的圣玛丽亚联邦大学进行了表演。总共分析了114份山羊尸检报告。九十五例尸检(83.33%)诊断为结论性,十九例(19.66%)诊断为结论性。在结论性病例中,传染病和寄生虫病最普遍,其次是流行病,其次是代谢和营养病,中毒和毒素感染以及发育性疾病。不适合上述任何疾病类别的其他状况或损害影响了约10%的尸检山羊。肝变性是该研究中最普遍的死亡原因。艾美病和李斯特菌病也是导致山羊死亡的重要原因。在代谢和营养疾病中,尿石症,骨质疏松症,妊娠毒血症,营养不良和白肌病最为普遍。传染病和寄生虫病以及新陈代谢和营养病大多以爆发的方式发生,造成更大的经济损失。



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