首页> 外文期刊>Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira >Risk factors, clinical and laboratorial findings and therapeutic evaluation in 36 cattle with abomasal displacement

Risk factors, clinical and laboratorial findings and therapeutic evaluation in 36 cattle with abomasal displacement




The continuous genetic selection for high milk production in association with greater digestive capacity and corporal depth increases the susceptibility for abomasopathies including abomasal displacement. The present work aimed to accomplish a retrospective study on abomasal displacement in 36 cattle attended at Bovine Clinic, Garanhuns Campus, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, through January 2000 to February 2009. Twenty seven cases of right abomasal displacement, six cases of left abomasal displacement and three of abomasal volvulus were diagnosed. Eleven moderate cases, without severe abdominal distention, appetite for roughage and metallic sound (“ping”) reaching at the most the 8th intercostal space were treated conservatively, and 20 severe cases with moderate to severe abdominal distention associated to systemic disturbances were treated surgically. Two cows were euthanized due to diffuse peritonitis or severe alterations in the abomasal serosa totalizing 18 animals submitted to the surgical treatment. Two animals were slaughtered and three cows arrived prostrated and died without receiving any treatment. Risk factor analysis identified rainy season as statistically significant. The greater number of abomasal displacement was in crossbred cows with 24 cases (66.6%), followed by Holstein and Gir cattle with 11 (30.5%) and one (2.9%) cases, respectively. Food composition varied greatly and characterized by excess of carbohydrates and in most cases low quality fibers. Most frequent clinical signs were apathy, dehydration, light to severe ruminal bloat with reduced or absent motility, splashing sound during right flank ballottement, ping and a distended viscera-like structure in the side of the displacement; liquid, blackish and fetid feces. Hematology reveals leukocytosis with neutrophilia and hyperfibrinogenemia in most cases. Ruminal fluid analysis showed compromised flora and fauna dynamics and increased chloride ion concentration in 93.9% of the cases achieving the media index of 47.66 mEq/L. Clinical and surgical recovery rate achieved 100% and 72.2%, respectively. Those methods described are viable options for the treatment of light and severe displacements but the prevention remains the best choice. Index
机译:高产奶量的连续遗传选择以及更高的消化能力和体深增加了对厌食症(包括厌食症)的敏感性。这项工作旨在完成一项回顾性研究,研究从2000年1月至2009年2月,在伯南布哥联邦农村大学Garanhuns校区的牛诊所就读的36头牛的胎体移位。右胎体移位27例,左胎体移位6例。并诊断出3例腹部扭转。保守治疗11例中度病例,无严重腹胀,食欲不振和金属声音(“ ping”)最多达到第8肋间间隙,手术治疗20例中度至重度腹胀与全身性疾病相关的重症病例。由于弥漫性腹膜炎或在浆膜浆膜严重改变而使两只母牛安乐死,共有18只动物接受了手术治疗。宰杀了两只动物,三头母牛俯卧而死,没有接受任何治疗。风险因素分析确定雨季具有统计学意义。混合奶牛的厌食移位最多,为24例(66.6%),其次是荷斯坦和吉尔牛,分别为11例(30.5%)和1例(2.9%)。食品成分变化很大,其特点是碳水化合物过多,多数情况下是劣质纤维。最常见的临床体征是冷漠,脱水,轻度至重度瘤胃肿胀,运动减少或不存在,右胁腹弹开时声音飞溅,砰砰声和移位侧的内脏样结构扩张。粪便呈液体,黑色和臭味。血液学发现大多数情况下白细胞增多症伴中性粒细胞增多和高纤维蛋白原血症。体液分析显示,动植物菌群动力学受到损害,氯离子浓度增加的案例达93.9%,媒介指数为47.66 mEq / L。临床和手术恢复率分别达到100%和72.2%。所描述的那些方法是治疗轻度和重度移位的可行选择,但预防仍然是最佳选择。指数



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