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Morphologic-morphometrical and microradiographical studies on ribs of cattle supplemented with rock phosphate




.- Pilati C., Rosa I.V.,Dayrell M.S., D??bereiner J. & D?¤mmrich K. 1997. [Morphologic-morphometrical and microradiographical studies on ribs of cattle supplemented with rock phosphate.] Estudos morfol?3gico-morfom??tricos e microrradiogr??ficos de costelas de bovinos suplementados com fosfato de rocha. Pesquisa Veterin??ria Brasileira17(3/4):96-104. Laborat?3rio de Patologia Animal, CAV, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina (UDESC), Av. Luiz de Cam?μes 2090, Cx. Postal 281, Lages SC 88520-000, Brazil. The present study was conducted to evaluate possible bone changes in cattle due to the ingestion of different levels of fluorine from rock phosphate used as a phophorus supplement. The bone material studied were ribs collected from cattle of three experiments where Tapira rock phosphate was used at different levels and during different periods as a partial or sole source of supplementary phosphorus. In the first experiment feedlot cattle ingested during a 6 month period 63 and 128g/day of Tapira rock phosphate containing 1.3% fluorine. In the second experiment cattle maintained in Brachiaria decumbens pastures during 33 months ingested several levels of Tapira rock phosphate in the mineral mixtures. In the third experiment heifers averaging 14 months of age ingested a mineral supplement with Tapira rock phosphate until the 5th lactation period. Careful examination of the rib samples by histological, morphometric and microradiographic techniques revealed no abnormalities which could be related to fluorine ingestion, neither any differences among tretaments regarding the bone structure. These findings support the conclusion that, as far as bone alterations are concerned, Tapira rock phosphate could be used as a source of phosphorus for cattle under the conditions described in the experiments, a practice which would markedly reduce the cost of phosphorus supplementation. INDEX
机译:.- Pilati C.,Rosa IV,Dayrell MS,D?bereiner J.和D?¤mmrichK.1997。[牛肋骨补充磷酸盐岩的形态,形态和显微放射学研究。] Estudos morfol?3gico-morfom ?????????? Pesquisa Veterin ?? ria Brasileira17(3/4):96-104。 3at de Patologia动物实验室,CAV,圣卡塔琳娜州立大学(UDESC),大道。 Luiz de Cam?μes2090,Cx。巴西,拉格斯邮编281,SC 88520-000。进行本研究的目的是评估由于摄入磷酸磷矿中的氟含量不同而引起的牛骨变化。所研究的骨材料是从三个实验的牛身上采集的肋骨,在这些实验中,不同水平和在不同时期使用Tapira磷酸盐作为补充磷的部分或唯一来源。在第一个实验中,饲养场的牛在6个月内每天摄入63和128克/天的含1.3%氟的磷酸磷酸铁岩石。在第二个实验中,在33个月的枯枝杆菌草地中饲养的牛在矿物质混合物中摄入了几种水平的Tapira磷矿。在第三个实验中,平均14个月大的小母牛在第5次泌乳期之前摄取了含有Tapira磷酸磷酸盐的矿物质补充剂。通过组织学,形态学和显微射线照相技术对肋骨样本进行仔细检查后发现,没有任何可能与氟摄入有关的异常现象,而在各ments骨之间在骨骼结构上也没有任何差异。这些发现支持这样的结论,就骨骼的改变而言,塔比拉磷酸钙可在实验所述的条件下用作牛的磷源,这种做法将显着降低磷的补充成本。指数



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