首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Sciences >A Cellular Model of Infection with Brucella melitensis in Ovine Macrophages: Novel Insights for Intracellular Bacterial Detection

A Cellular Model of Infection with Brucella melitensis in Ovine Macrophages: Novel Insights for Intracellular Bacterial Detection




Intracellular bacteria provoking zoonoses, such as those of the genus Brucella , present a host cell tropism mostly limited to the monocyte/macrophage lineage, leading to chronic inflammatory reactions, difficult-to-eradicate-infections, and widespread prevalence among ruminants. Eradication of brucellosis has been based on programs that translate into a substantial financial burden for both the authorities and stockbreeders, if not strictly followed. To this end, we sought to create an in vitro cell model that could be utilized as future reference for adequately measuring the number of engulfed brucellae/cell, using peripheral blood-derived sheep macrophages infected with B. melitensis at decimal multiplicities of infection (MOI = 5000-5), to simulate the host cell/microorganism interaction and monitor bacterial loads up to 6 days post-infection. We show that the MOI = 5000 leads to high numbers of engulfed bacteria without affecting macrophages’ viability and that the minimum detection limit of our Real-Time PCR assay was 3.97 ± 5.58 brucellae/cell. Moreover, we observed a time-associated, significant gradual reduction in bacterial loads from Day 2 to Day 6 post-infection ( p = 0.0013), as part of the natural bactericidal properties of macrophages. Overall, the work presented here constitutes a reliable in vitro cell model of Brucella melitensis for research purposes that can be utilized to adequately measure the number of engulfed brucellae/cell and provides insights towards future utilization of molecular biology-based methods for detection of Brucella .
机译:引起人畜共患病的细胞内细菌,例如布鲁氏菌属,表现出宿主细胞嗜性,主要限于单核细胞/巨噬细胞谱系,导致慢性炎症反应,难以根除的感染以及反刍动物中的普遍流行。根除布鲁氏菌病的基础是计划,如果不严格执行,将会给当局和饲养者带来沉重的经济负担。为此,我们试图创建一个体外细胞模型,以用作将来的参考,以使用感染了十进制多重感染的肉毒梭菌的外周血源性绵羊巨噬细胞来充分测量被吞噬的布鲁氏菌/细胞的数量(MOI)。 = 5000-5),以模拟宿主细胞/微生物相互作用并监测感染后长达6天的细菌负荷。我们显示MOI = 5000会导致大量被吞噬的细菌而不会影响巨噬细胞的生存能力,并且我们实时荧光定量PCR检测的最低检测限为3.97±5.58布氏杆菌/细胞。此外,作为巨噬细胞天然杀菌特性的一部分,我们从感染后第2天到第6天观察到了细菌载量随时间的显着逐渐减少(p = 0.0013)。总体而言,此处介绍的工作构成了可靠的布鲁氏菌体外细胞模型用于研究目的,可用于充分测量被吞噬的布鲁氏菌/细胞的数量,并为未来利用基于分子生物学的布鲁氏菌检测方法提供了见识。



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