首页> 外文期刊>Water >Decoupling Water Consumption and Environmental Impact on Textile Industry by Using Water Footprint Method: A Case Study in China

Decoupling Water Consumption and Environmental Impact on Textile Industry by Using Water Footprint Method: A Case Study in China




The rapid development of China’s textile industry has led to consumption and pollution of large volumes of water. Therefore, the textile industry has been the focus of water conservation and waste reduction in China’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016–2020). The premise of sustainable development is to achieve decoupling of economic growth from water consumption and wastewater discharge. In this work, changes in the blue water footprint, grey water footprint, and the total water footprint of the textile industry from 2001 to 2014 were calculated. The relationship between water footprint and economic growth was then examined using the Tapio decoupling model. Furthermore, factors influencing water footprint were determined through logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) method. Results show that the water footprint of China’s textile industry has strongly decoupled for five years (2003, 2006, 2008, 2011, and 2013) and weakly decoupled for four years (2005, 2007, 2009, and 2010). A decoupling trend occurred during 2001–2014, but a steady stage of decoupling had not been achieved yet. Based on the decomposition analysis, the total water footprint mainly increased along with the production scale. On the contrary, technical level is the most important factor in inhibiting the water footprint. In addition, the effect of industrial structure adjustment is relatively weak.
机译:中国纺织工业的快速发展导致大量用水的消耗和污染。因此,纺织业一直是中国“十三五”规划(2016-2020年)中节约用水和减少浪费的重点。可持续发展的前提是使经济增长与水消耗和废水排放脱钩。在这项工作中,计算了2001年至2014年期间纺织业的蓝色水足迹,灰色水足迹和总水足迹的变化。然后使用Tapio解耦模型研究了水足迹与经济增长之间的关系。此外,通过对数平均Divisia指数(LMDI)方法确定影响水足迹的因素。结果显示,中国纺织业的水足迹已连续五年(2003、2006、2008、2011和2013)强烈脱钩,而四年(2005、2007、2009和2010)则呈现弱脱钩。 2001-2014年期间出现了脱钩趋势,但尚未达到稳定的脱钩阶段。根据分解分析,总水足迹主要随着生产规模而增加。相反,技术水平是抑制水足迹的最重要因素。另外,产业结构调整的效果相对较弱。



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