首页> 外文期刊>Verbum et Ecclesia >Wa re o Bona e Hlot?a, wa e Namet?a Thaba! Bibele, Basadi ba Maafrika ba Afrika-Borwa le HIV le AIDS

Wa re o Bona e Hlot?a, wa e Namet?a Thaba! Bibele, Basadi ba Maafrika ba Afrika-Borwa le HIV le AIDS




The question of the history of the reception of the Christian Bible in South Africa particularly by African- South Africans has not been a smooth ride. It was part of a bigger package that included among others, the importation of European patriarchy onto African soil, the land grabbing exercise which resulted in among others, the impoverishment of African peoples and, the emasculation of the African man. The latter in turn led to the intensification of patriarchy within the average African family. The preceding situation, was not helpful to the context and/or situation of African women who were already then, at the bottom of the patriarchal ladder, because, as can be expected, within the context of the Black church and theology then, little if any except for a handful of liberation theologians and members of some ecumenical bodies, was done to make the theology propagated then, relevant to pertinent issues which affected the lives of Black people.Given the historical marginalisation of women in the Bible and Theology, not only in South Africa, but also globally, it becomes obvious that even in our context, mainstream theology and biblical hermeneutics left issues pertaining to gender justice basically untouched. It is no wonder, as we will argue in this paper, that given that already vulnerable situation into which African women have been thrown into by the preceding factors as well as by how the Bible continues to be used in our HIV and AIDS contexts, their situation may be succinctly captured as that of a limping animal that has been made to climb the mountain! The Northern Sotho proverb or saying: Wa re o bona e hlot?a, wa e namet?a thaba (while limping, you let it climb the mountain) simply means that a certain situation is being aggravated (by an external factor). The present article will use the preceding proverb as a hermeneutical lens through which to analyse the reception of the Bible by African women in the HIV and AIDS context of South Africa.
机译:在南非,尤其是非洲裔南非人中接受基督教圣经的历史问题,并非一帆风顺。这是更大的一揽子计划的一部分,其中包括:欧洲重男轻女在非洲土壤上的进口;土地掠夺活动,其中包括非洲人民的贫穷和非洲男人的ema割。后者反过来导致非洲普通家庭中父权制的加剧。前面的情况对当时处于父权制阶梯底层的非洲妇女的背景和/或状况没有帮助,因为可以预见,在黑人教会和神学的背景下,如果除了极少数的解放神学家和一些普世组织的成员之外,其他任何人都被用来使神学得以传播,并与影响黑人生活的相关问题相关。鉴于妇女在圣经和神学领域的历史边缘化,不仅在南非乃至全球,很明显,即使在我们看来,主流神学和圣经诠释学也基本上没有涉及性别正义的问题。正如我们将在本文中争论的那样,难怪鉴于先前的因素以及在我们的艾滋病毒和艾滋病背景下如何继续使用圣经,非洲妇女已经陷入了脆弱的境地这种情况可能被简单地捕捉为爬山的a足动物的情况! Northern Sotho谚语或谚语:“自然吗?”(是a行时,让它爬山)只是意味着某种情况(由于外部因素)加剧了。本文将前面的谚语用作解释学的视角,通过它来分析非洲妇女在南非的艾滋病毒/艾滋病背景下接受圣经的情况。



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