首页> 外文期刊>Verbum et Ecclesia >Seeking the good (peace) of the republic: The violence against and of difference in defining the public space

Seeking the good (peace) of the republic: The violence against and of difference in defining the public space




This article will reflect on the role of legitimate and authorised violence in state-making. This violence in the name of the good defines the state (Benjamin?s law-making violence) by the exclusion of others (Benjamin 1996). Law-making violence together with the violence that coerces or binds [religare] the public into a common understanding of the good (Benjamin?s law-maintaining violence) is at the exclusion of other interpretations of the good (Benjamin 1996). As the law-making and law-maintaining violence of the state is always at the expense of the excluded other, the excluded other will produce a counter violence of difference seeking a legitimate place within the common space of the republic (Benjamin?s divine violence). What is the church?s role in such a context of violence? Is the church?s role to help clarify and clearly define the good that will bind [religare] the citizens into a stronger and more prosperous and peaceful state ? onward Christian soldiers marching as to war? Or is there another calling, to be disciples of Christ ? with the Cross of Jesus going on before ? and enter the space of violence beyond the knowledge of good and evil as peacemakers? These questions will be examined by bringing into dialogue ?i?ek?s (1997) interpretation of Christianity with Derrida?s (2002) interpretation of hospitality, specifically in the violent South African context.
机译:本文将反思合法和授权暴力在国家建立中的作用。这种以商品为名的暴力通过排斥他人来定义国家(本杰明的立法暴力)(本杰明1996)。立法暴力与强迫或束缚[宗教]公众对商品的共同理解的暴力(本杰明维护法律的暴力)被排除在对商品的其他解释之外(本杰明1996)。由于国家的立法和维持法律的暴力总是以被排斥的另一方为代价,因此被排斥的另一方将产生不同的反暴力,在共和国的共同空间中寻求合法地位(本杰明的神圣暴力) )。在这种暴力背景下,教会的作用是什么?教会的作用是帮助澄清和明确定义将公民束缚在一个更强大,更繁荣和和平的国家中的好处吗?继续前进的基督徒士兵要参加战争吗?还是有另一个呼召要成为基督的门徒?耶稣的十字架过去了吗?并进入和平空间,超越和平与和平者所知的善恶?这些问题将通过以埃里克(1997)对基督教的解释与德里达(2002)对款待的解释进行对话来加以研究,特别是在南非暴力的背景下。



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