首页> 外文期刊>Turkish Journal of Emergency Medicine >Use of the iTClamp versus standard suturing techniques for securing chest tubes: A randomized controlled cadaver study

Use of the iTClamp versus standard suturing techniques for securing chest tubes: A randomized controlled cadaver study




Objectives Tube thoracostomy (TT) is a common yet potentially life-saving trauma procedure. After successful placement however, securing a TT through suturing is a skillset that requires practice, risking that the TT may become dislodged during prehospital transport. The purpose of this study was to examine if the iTClamp was a simpler technique with equivalent effectiveness for securing TTs. Materials and methods In a cadaver model, a 1.5 inch incision was utilized along the upper border of the rib below the 5th intercostal space at the anterior axillary line. TTs (sizes 28Fr, 32Fr, 36Fr and 40Fr) were inserted and secured with both suturing and iTClamp techniques according to the preset randomization. TT were then functionally tested for positive and negative pressure as well as the force required to remove the TT (pull test-up to 5 lbs). Time to secure the TT was also recorded. Results When sutured is placed by a trained surgeon, the sutures and iTClamp were functionally equivalent for holding a positive and negative pressure. Mean pull force for both sutures and iTClamp exceeded the 5 lb threshold; there was no significant difference between the groups. Securing the TT with the iTClamp was significantly faster (p?
机译:目的开胸胸腔切开术(TT)是一种常见的但可能挽救生命的创伤手术。然而,在成功放置之后,通过缝合固定TT是一项需要练习的技能,这有可能在院前运输期间TT移位。这项研究的目的是检查iTClamp是否是一种更简单的技术,具有等同的固定TT有效性。材料和方法在尸体模型中,沿腋前线第5肋间隙下方的肋骨上边界使用1.5英寸的切口。 TT(尺寸为28Fr,32Fr,36Fr和40Fr)已插入,并根据预设的随机性采用缝合和iTClamp技术固定。然后在功能上测试TT的正负压力,以及移除TT所需的力(拉力测试至5磅)。还记录了确保TT的时间。结果当由受过训练的外科医生进行缝合时,缝合线和iTClamp在功能上等同于保持正负压力。缝线和iTClamp的平均拉力均超过5磅阈值;两组之间无显着差异。用iTClamp固定TT的速度要快得多(p?<?0.0001),iTClamp的平均施加时间为37.0?±?22.8?s,使用缝线的人施加时间为96.3?±?29.0?s。结论iTClamp可有效保护TT。 iTClamp的主要好处在于,只需最少的技巧即可充分固定TT,以确保在运输到创伤中心的过程中不会将其移走。



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