首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Management of Heat Stress to Improve Fertility in Dairy Cows in Israel

Management of Heat Stress to Improve Fertility in Dairy Cows in Israel




Israel has about 100,000 dairy cows mostly all of Israeli-Holstein-breed, kept in close to 1,000 dairy farms. Most farms are distributed along the Mediterranean Sea coast and in the hot internal valleys. According to the Israeli Herd book the average annual milk production, per cow in 2008 was 11,460 kg, with 3.7% fat and 3.2% protein. Israel's climate is considered "subtropical dry" or Mediterranean, characterized by warm and dry summer with day temperatures above 30 C and relative humidity ranging from 50 to 90%. Climatic limitations brought dairy farmers to develop and implement new technologies and management practices that would enable high milk production and reproduction in summers. In the last three decades the Ministry of Agriculture research units, the extension service and dairy farmers conducted a series of trials and surveys in order to develop an efficient cooling system that will obtain and maintain high milk yield and good reproduction during the hot and humid summer. The cooling system commonly used in Israel is based on a combination of frequent direct watering of the cows, followed by forced ventilation air blowing onto the cows. The system was developed in Israel nearly 30 years ago. A typical cycle is five minutes long and consists of 30 sec of watering followed by 4.5 min of forced ventilation. Providing the cows with 5-7 cooling sessions per day, 30-45 min each, allowed cows, producing 25-30 kg of milk per day to maintain their body temperature below 39.0 C, throughout the day time, on a typical Israeli summer day. At the same time, non-cooled cows had high body temperatures (above 39.5 C), during some part of the daytime and returned to normal body temperatures (below 39.0 C), only for a few hours late at night. In an experiment conducted in 1985-86, conception rate (CR) of cows, cooled as described above, was significantly higher than of non-cooled cows (59 vs. 17% and 57 vs. 17%), for first insemination and for all inseminations, respectively. Pregnancy rate (the amount of pregnant cows out of the eligible cows in the herd) calculated for 90, 120 and 150 days after calving differed significantly between the groups, (44, 59 and 73% vs. , 5, 11 and 11%), in cooled and non-cooled cows, respectively. CR and pregnancy rates obtained in intensively cooled herds in this experiment were similar to those obtained during the winter of that year, in commercial dairy farms in Israel. Differently from the results described above, when cows in summer were intensively cooled, only for a period of 2 days before and 8 days after A.I, CR failed to improve (31 and 36%), in cooled and non-cooled cows, respectively. These results offer a conclusion that cows must be intensively cooled and must maintain normal body temperatures during the entire day and during the whole summer. (View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
机译:以色列拥有约100,000头奶牛,其中大部分是以色列荷尔斯泰因州的奶牛,饲养在近1,000个奶牛场。大多数农场分布在地中海沿岸和炎热的内部山谷中。根据以色列牛群的书,2008年每头牛的平均年牛奶产量为11,460公斤,脂肪为3.7%,蛋白质为3.2%。以色列的气候被认为是“亚热带干旱”或地中海气候,其特征是夏季温暖干燥,白天温度高于30 C,相对湿度为50%至90%。气候的局限性促使奶农发展并实施了新技术和管理方法,从而可以在夏季实现高产和高产的牛奶。在过去的三十年中,农业部研究部门,推广服务部门和奶农进行了一系列试验和调查,以开发一种高效的冷却系统,该系统在炎热潮湿的夏季将获得并保持高产奶量和良好繁殖能力。以色列通常使用的冷却系统是基于对母牛进行频繁直接浇水,然后将强制通风的空气吹到母牛上的组合。该系统是近30年前在以色列开发的。典型的周期为五分钟,包括30秒的浇水,然后进行4.5分钟的强制通风。在典型的以色列夏季,每天为母牛提供5-7次冷却,每头30-45分钟,使母牛每天生产25-30公斤牛奶,以保持其体温低于39.0摄氏度。 。同时,非冷藏奶牛在白天的某些时候体温较高(高于39.5 C),并在深夜才恢复到正常体温(低于39.0 C)。在1985-86年进行的一项实验中,初次受精和初次受精的母牛,如上所述冷却的受胎率(CR)显着高于未冷却的母牛(59对17%和57对17%)。所有的受精产犊后90天,120天和150天的怀孕率(符合条件的母牛中的怀孕母牛的数量)在两组之间有显着差异(44%,59%和73%与5%,11%和11%)分别在冷藏和非冷藏牛中。在此实验中,在强冷的牛群中获得的CR和怀孕率与当年冬天在以色列的商业奶牛场获得的CR和怀孕率相似。与上述结果不同的是,在夏季对母牛进行集中降温时,仅在A.I之前2天和之后8天,冷却和非冷藏牛的CR均无法改善(分别为31%和36%)。这些结果得出的结论是,奶牛必须在一天当中和整个夏天中都进行强烈降温,并且必须保持正常的体温。 (查看PDF以获取摘要的其余部分。)



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