
Years of Life Lost After Complications of Coronary Artery Bypass Operations




Background We currently have an incomplete understanding of which postoperative complications after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) are associated with long-term death. The purpose of this study was to find the associations between complications and attributable death.;Methods Prospectively collected data on patient characteristics, risk factors, and complications of patients undergoing isolated CABG with 20-year follow-up were analyzed with a Cox regression model to calculate the overall hazard of dying associated with each postoperative complication. An individual’s age and hazard of dying from each complication were then used to calculate years of life lost to each complication.;Results The postoperative mortality rate was 0.79% (69 of 8,773) at 30 days, 2.85% (250 of 8,773) at 180 days, and 6.38% (560 of 8,773) at 2 years. At a median follow-up of 9.8 years, 1,891 patients (21.6%) had died. Postoperative complications occurred in 3,438 patients (39.2%). Cardiac arrest (hazard ratio, 2.153), reoperation (hazard ratio, 1.679), and new dialysis (hazard ratio, 1.64) were the complications with the greatest hazard of death. After adjusting for complication incidence and patient age, cardiac arrest (703 years), reoperation (544 years), atrial fibrillation (470 years), and prolonged mechanical ventilation (371 years) were associated with the greatest number of years of life lost.;Conclusions Acute cardiac arrest, reoperation for other cardiac reasons, new dialysis, atrial fibrillation, and prolonged mechanical ventilation are associated with the largest increase in attributable deaths. Prevention and treatment of these complications may improve mortality rates after cardiac operations.;The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Quality Measurement Task Force chose death after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) operations as a key national benchmark for comparison of perioperative care [1, 2, 3]. The operative mortality rate (defined as death during index admission or out-of-hospital death within 30 days) after CABG is 1% to 3% [2, 4, 5]. The annual mortality rate after CABG operations ranges from 2.7% to 4.2% [6, 7, 8], which leads to 9% to 10.2%, 26.4%, and 64.4% of patients having died at 5, 10, and 20 years, respectively [6, 9, 10].A problem with using just the operative mortality rate as the quality benchmark is that it does not account for deaths that occur more than 30 days after discharge or provide insight into the cause of death. Complications will?occur in half of patients undergoing cardiac operations, and although most—particularly the most common complications—rarely lead to death during the same hospitalization, they may be associated with increased late death [11][11]. Consequently, such complications, especially if common (eg, postoperative atrial fibrillation), may have a large effect on the total years of life lost. Such attributable loss of life may be more significant for younger patients. Therefore, the long-term effect of various postoperative complications must be understood to optimally guide future improvement efforts. Because complications may be preventable (or more optimally treated), complications associated with more years of life lost may be prime candidates for deployment of targeted efforts.Our study tested the hypothesis that the years of life lost attributable to different postoperative complications will vary considerably. Consequently, attributable death and years of life lost may be reduced by targeting care improvement and complication reduction efforts toward those complications with the largest effects on late death.Jump to SectionPatients and MethodsData CollectionStatistical AnalysisResultsCommentReferences;Institutional Review Board approval and waiver of informed consent was obtained for this project from Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center, Toledo, Ohio, and from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (HUM00108370). This study is a retrospective analysis of existing registry data
机译:背景我们目前尚不清楚冠状动脉搭桥术(CABG)后哪些术后并发症与长期死亡有关。本研究的目的是发现并发症与归因死亡之间的关系。方法采用Cox回归模型,对前瞻性收集的患者特征,危险因素和接受独立CABG随访20年的患者的并发症进行分析。计算与每次术后并发症相关的死亡总危险。然后使用个体的年龄和因每种并发症死亡的危险来计算因每种并发症而丧失的生命年。结果术后30天的术后死亡率为0.79%(8,773中的69),在180天时为2.85%(8,773中的250)。天数,以及2年时的6.38%(8,773,560)。在9.8年的中位随访中,有1,891例患者(21.6%)死亡。术后并发症发生在3438例患者中(占39.2%)。心脏骤停(危险比,2.153),再次手术(危险比,1.679)和新透析(危险比,1.64)是死亡危险最大的并发症。在对并发症发生率和患者年龄进行调整后,心脏骤停(703年),再次手术(544年),心房颤动(470年)和长时间的机械通气(371年)与生命的最大丧失相关。结论急性心脏骤停,因其他心脏原因引起的再次手术,新透析,心房纤颤和长期机械通气与归因死亡增加最大。预防和治疗这些并发症可能会提高心脏手术后的死亡率。 3]。 CABG后的手术死亡率(定义为入院时死亡或30天内院外死亡)为1%至3%[2、4、5]。 CABG手术后的年死亡率为2.7%至4.2%[6、7、8],这导致分别在5、10和20岁时死亡的患者的9%至10.2%,26.4%和64.4%,仅使用手术死亡率作为质量基准的一个问题是,它不能解决出院后30天以上发生的死亡或无法提供死亡原因的信息。并发症将在一半接受心脏手术的患者中发生,尽管大多数(尤其是最常见的并发症)在同一住院期间很少导致死亡,但它们可能与晚期死亡增加有关[11] [11]。因此,这种并发症,尤其是常见的并发症(如术后房颤),可能对失去的总寿命有很大的影响。对于年轻患者而言,这种可归因的生命丧失可能更为重要。因此,必须了解各种术后并发症的长期效果,以最佳地指导将来的改善工作。由于并发症可能是可以预防的(或可以更好地治疗),因此与生命年限更长相关的并发症可能是有针对性的工作部署的主要候选者。我们的研究检验了以下假设:由于不同的术后并发症而导致生命年限的差异会很大。因此,可以通过针对改善对晚期死亡影响最大的并发症的护理改善和减少并发症的努力来减少可归因的死亡和生命损失。跳转至患者和方法数据收集统计分析结果评论参考;获得机构审查委员会的批准并放弃知情同意该项目由俄亥俄州托莱多的Mercy St. Vincent医学中心和密歇根州安娜堡的密西根大学(HUM00108370)提供。这项研究是对现有注册表数据的回顾性分析


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