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Clinical responses with T lymphocytes targeting malignancy-associated κ light chains




BACKGROUND. Treatment of B cell malignancies with adoptive transfer of T cells with a CD19-specific chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) shows remarkable clinical efficacy. However, long-term persistence of T cells targeting CD19, a pan–B cell marker, also depletes normal B cells and causes severe hypogammaglobulinemia. Here, we developed a strategy to target B cell malignancies more selectively by taking advantage of B cell light Ig chain restriction. We generated a CAR that is specific for the κ light chain (κ.CAR) and therefore recognizes κ-restricted cells and spares the normal B cells expressing the nontargeted λ light chain, thus potentially minimizing humoral immunity impairment.METHODS. We conducted a phase 1 clinical trial and treated 16 patients with relapsed or refractory κ~(+) non-Hodgkin lymphoma/chronic lymphocytic leukemia (NHL/CLL) or multiple myeloma (MM) with autologous T cells genetically modified to express κ.CAR (κ.CARTs). Other treatments were discontinued in 11 of the 16 patients at least 4 weeks prior to T cell infusion. Six patients without lymphopenia received 12.5 mg/kg cyclophosphamide 4 days before κ.CART infusion (0.2 × 10~(8) to 2 × 10~(8) κ.CARTs/m~(2)). No other lymphodepletion was used.RESULTS. κ.CART expansion peaked 1–2 weeks after infusion, and cells remained detectable for more than 6 weeks. Of 9 patients with relapsed NHL or CLL, 2 entered complete remission after 2 and 3 infusions of κ.CARTs, and 1 had a partial response. Of 7 patients with MM, 4 had stable disease lasting 2–17 months. No toxicities attributable to κ.CARTs were observed.CONCLUSION. κ.CART infusion is feasible and safe and can lead to complete clinical responses.TRIAL REGISTRATION. ClinicalTrials.gov {"type":"clinical-trial","attrs":{"text":"NCT00881920","term_id":"NCT00881920"}}NCT00881920.FUNDING. National Cancer Institute (NCI) grants 3P50CA126752 and 5P30CA125123 and Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) Specialized Centers of Research (SCOR) grant 7018.
机译:背景。用CD19特异性嵌合抗原受体(CAR)过继转移T细胞治疗B细胞恶性肿瘤显示出显着的临床疗效。然而,靶向CD19(一种泛B细胞标志物)的T细胞的长期存留也会耗尽正常的B细胞,并导致严重的低血球蛋白血症。在这里,我们开发了一种策略,可以通过利用B细胞光Ig链限制来更选择性地靶向B细胞恶性肿瘤。我们生成了对κ轻链具有特异性的CAR(κ.CAR),因此可识别κ限制性细胞并保留表达非靶向λ轻链的正常B细胞​​,从而有可能将体液免疫功能减至最小。我们进行了1期临床试验,对16例复发或难治的κ〜(+)非霍奇金淋巴瘤/慢性淋巴细胞性白血病(NHL / CLL)或多发性骨髓瘤(MM)的患者进行了基因改造以表达κ.CAR的自体T细胞。 (κ.CARTs)。在输注T细胞之前至少4周,这16名患者中有11名中止了其他治疗。 6名无淋巴细胞减少症的患者在κ.CART输注前4天接受12.5 mg / kg环磷酰胺(0.2×10〜(8)至2×10〜(8)κ.CARTs/ m〜(2))。没有使用其他淋巴结清扫术。输注后1-2周,κ.CART扩增达到峰值,细胞可检测到6周以上。在9例NHL或CLL复发患者中,有2例在输注κ.CARTs2和3次后完全缓解,其中1例有部分缓解。在7名MM患者中,有4名病情稳定,持续2-17个月。没有观察到可归因于κ.CARTs的毒性。 κ.CART输注是可行且安全的,并可导致完全的临床反应。 ClinicalTrials.gov {“ type”:“ clinical-trial”,“ attrs”:{“ text”:“ NCT00881920”,“ term_id”:“ NCT00881920”}} NCT00881920.FUNDING。美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)授予3P50CA126752和5P30CA125123,白血病和淋巴瘤协会(LLS)专门研究中心(SCOR)授予7018。


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