
A Rare Case Of Oral Cysticercosis




Cysticercosis is caused by the larval stage of Taenia Solium. Taenia solium has a complex 2-host life cycle. It is a hermaphrodite cestode that inhabits the human small intestine of those individuals who have ingested raw or inadequately cooked pork infected with their viable larvae (cysticerci). Although oral involvement by cysticercosis is common in swine, this location is rare in humans. We present a case of cysticercosis on the tongue of a 25 year old Indian male. Introduction Cysticercosis is caused by the larval stage of Taenia Solium. Taenia solium has a complex 2-host life cycle. It is a hermaphrodite cestode that inhabits the human small intestine of those individuals who have ingested raw or inadequately cooked pork infected with their viable larvae (cysticerci). The scolex of the larva evaginates from the cyst inside the small intestine and attaches to the bowel wall. After 3 months, the adult tapeworm develops within its human definitive host, producing a condition known as taeniasis and thereafter begins forming proglottids, which are frequently detached from the distal end of the worm and are excreted in the feces. Each proglottid contains 50,000 to 60,000 fertile eggs, which can remain viable for a long time in water, soil, and vegetation. Cysticercosis develops when these eggs are ingested by humans and pigs (intermediate host), and oncospheres (embryos) are liberated by the action of gastric acid and intestinal fluids and actively cross the bowel wall, enter the blood stream and infest various other tissues and organs where they develop into larval vesicles or cysticerci. In humans, this potentially fatal parasitic disease mainly occurs as a result of the ingestion of contaminated food or polluted drinking water, but it may also develop by fecal-oral contamination in tapeworm carriers.1 Although the disease is more common in endemic areas like Latin America, Asia, Africa and Easter Europe, its incidence is also increasing in developed countries as a result of migration of infected persons and frequent travel to and from endemic areas.2 In humans, cysticerci are most commonly located within the central nervous system (CNS), where it produces a pleomorphic clinical disorder known as neurocysticercosis (NCC), but it may also localize primarily in a variety of tissues, including muscle, heart, eyes, and skin. Although oral involvement by cysticercosis is common in swine, this location is rare in humans.1,3 We hereby present a case of cysticercosis on the tongue of an Indian male. Case Report A 25 year old male presented with a swelling on the right lateral border of the tongue (Figure 1). During anamnesis, the patient reported that the lesion was present since six months with no associated pain. Intra oral examination revealed that the lesion was spherical in shape, 1x 1 cm in size, firm, compressible, smooth surfaced and movable with the overlying tissue. A clinical differential diagnosis of mucocele, sialocyst, lymphangioma and minor salivary gland tumour was given. The lesion was aspirated and surgically excised under local anaesthesia.
机译:囊尾is病是由Ta虫的幼虫期引起的。 en虫so虫具有复杂的2宿主生命周期。这是一种雌雄同体的二十头肌,生活在那些人的小肠中,这些人摄入了被活幼虫感染的未加工或煮熟的猪肉。尽管猪囊尾common病的口腔累及在猪中很常见,但这种位置在人类中很少见。我们介绍了一名25岁印度男性的舌苔囊虫病病例。简介囊尾is病是由Ta虫的幼虫期引起的。 en虫so虫具有复杂的2宿主生命周期。这是一种雌雄同体的二十头肌,生活在那些人的小肠中,这些人摄入了被活幼虫感染的未加工或煮熟的猪肉。幼虫的尾骨从小肠内的囊肿中逸出并附着在肠壁上。 3个月后,成年ta​​pe虫在其人类最终宿主内发育,产生一种称为虫病的病状,此后开始形成forming突,通常从the的远端脱落并排泄到粪便中。每个始祖卵含有50,000至60,000个可育卵,这些卵可在水,土壤和植被中长期存活。当人和猪(中间宿主)摄入这些卵,并通过胃酸和肠液的作用释放卵泡(胚)并活跃地穿过肠壁,进入血流并侵染其他各种组织和器官时,就会发生囊虫病他们在那里发育成幼虫囊泡或囊虫。在人类中,这种潜在的致命性寄生虫病主要是由于摄入被污染的食物或污染的饮用水而引起的,但也可能是由于tape虫携带者的粪便和口腔污染而发展起来的。1尽管该病在拉丁文等流行地区更为普遍在美洲,亚洲,非洲和复活节欧洲,由于感染者的迁徙以及往来于流行地区的频繁旅行,在发达国家,其发病率也在增加。2在人类中,囊虫通常位于中枢神经系统(CNS) ),会产生称为神经囊尾rc病(NCC)的多形性临床疾病,但它也可能主要位于各种组织,包括肌肉,心脏,眼睛和皮肤。尽管猪口虫囊虫病的口腔受累是常见的,但在人类中很少见到这种情况。1,3我们在此提出一例印度男性舌头上的囊虫病病例。病例报告一名25岁的男性在舌头右侧缘出现肿胀(图1)。进行记忆检查时,患者报告病灶自六个月以来一直存在,没有相关的疼痛。口腔内检查显示病变为球形,大小为1x 1 cm,牢固,可压缩,表面光滑并且可与上覆组织一起移动。给出了黏液囊肿,唾液囊肿,淋巴管瘤和小唾液腺肿瘤的临床鉴别诊断。在局部麻醉下抽吸病灶并手术切除。



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