首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Cardiovascular Research >Group B streptococcal tricuspid valve endocarditis after abortion, presenting with septic emboli to the lungs.

Group B streptococcal tricuspid valve endocarditis after abortion, presenting with septic emboli to the lungs.




Introduction We report a case of a 21 year old female presenting with group B streptococci (GBS) tricuspid vale endocarditis and multiple septic emboli after an elective abortion.;Case A 21 year old woman reported to the emergency room (ER) with complaints of chest pain, shortness of breath and fever. She had undergone an elective abortion eight days earlier and was discharged in a healthy condition. Four days after discharge she felt tired, experienced a loss of appetite and muscle pain. She also had a temperature of 102 F. She started getting worse over couple of days and also experienced a sharp pleural pain in the lower right chest region. She also became short of breath progressively. The next day she decided to go to the ER. In the ER she had a temperature of 104.2; her pulse was 120, blood pressure 118/65. Auscultation of the lungs revealed scattered rales bilaterally. Cardiovascular examination revealed a prominent v wave in the neck veins and d grade III-IV/VI murmur in the tricuspid area. Abdominal and pelvic examination demonstrated no discharge, or uterine /adnexal tenderness. Laboratory tests revealed hemoglobin of 12. G/L, white cell count 20.2 x 109 /L with 90% neutrophils, and a platelet count of 300 x 109 /L. Blood and urine cultures were taken and empiric antibiotic therapy commenced with vancomycin and levofloxacin. Chest X-ray demonstrated right lower lobe infiltration. Computed tomography angiography demonstrated multiple nodules surrounded with haziness scattered throughout the lungs bilaterally, more prominent in the lower lobes. These opacities were thought to be scattered infiltrates, pulmonary emboli or septic emboli. The patient was prophylactically started on heparin for possible pulmonary embolism. The blood culture grew group B streptococci. A transeosphageal echocardiography was ordered and it revealed large vegetation on the tricuspid valve with tricuspid regurgitation. No other valve abnormality was demonstrated. The clinical case scenario of chest pain, fever in a post abortion period with tricuspid valve vegetation and multiple scattered opacities in both lungs was consistent with tricuspid valve endocarditis with septic emboli. The patient improved on the antibiotics and was discharged home on ceftriaxone for six weeks.;Discussion Group B streptococcal (GBS) ndocarditis is a well established complication following gynecological procedures(1). There have been multiple case reports of endocarditis due to GBS in female patients(2,3,4). Many of these cases followed elective abortions. However, till date there have been only 7seven cases of GBS tricuspid valve endocarditis following obstetric and gynecological procedure (12345). Among these seven patients only four followed an elective abortion (12345). Only few had assosiated septic emboli to the lungs (5). The mortality rate of GBS endocarditis can be as high as that of staphylococcal endocarditis 12 . Thus, like staphylococcal endocarditis, GBS endocarditis can be exceedingly aggressive with a high mortality rate (almost 40%) (3-4). The mortality rate in patients with prosthetic valves is almost 100% (1-5). Left sided valve involvement is more often seen than right sided. Due to its aggressive nature and the potential to cause valve destruction, initiation of antibiotics early in the disease course is imperative against GBS.;Conclusion Screening and prophylactic treatment against GBS should be considered in all in patients undergoing elective abortion.
机译:引言我们报告了一例21岁女性选择性流产后出现B组链球菌(GBS)三尖瓣谷性心内膜炎和多发性败血性栓塞的病例;案例一名21岁女性因胸口不适向急诊室(ER)报告疼痛,呼吸急促和发烧。她于八天前接受了一次选择性流产,并以健康状况出院。出院四天后,她感到疲倦,食欲不振和肌肉疼痛。她的体温也达到了102华氏度。几天来她开始变得更糟,右下胸部也出现了剧烈的胸膜疼痛。她也逐渐变得气短。第二天,她决定去急诊室。在急诊室,她的温度为104.2;她的脉搏是120,血压是118/65。肺部听诊显示双侧散在罗音。心血管检查显示,颈静脉有明显的v波,三尖瓣部位有d级III-IV / VI杂音。腹部和骨盆检查未见分泌物或子宫/肾上腺压痛。实验室测试显示血红蛋白为12 G / L,白细胞计数为20.2 x 109 / L,中性粒细胞为90%,血小板计数为300 x 109 / L。进行血液和尿液培养,并开始用万古霉素和左氧氟沙星进行经验性抗生素治疗。胸部X线片显示右下叶浸润。计算机断层扫描血管造影显示,双侧肺周围散布着多个散在的雾状结节,在下叶更突出。这些混浊被认为是散在的浸润,肺栓子或化脓性栓子。预防性地开始使用肝素治疗可能的肺栓塞。血液培养生长B组链球菌。订购了经食道超声心动图,发现三尖瓣上有三尖瓣返流的大片植物。没有发现其他瓣膜异常。临床案例中出现的胸痛,流产后发烧,三尖瓣植物生长,两肺多处弥散性混浊与伴有败血性栓子的三尖瓣心内膜炎一致。患者接受了抗生素的改良,出院后用头孢曲松复活了六周。;讨论B组链球菌性(GBS)肾炎是妇科手术后已确定的并发症(1)。女性患者因GBS引起的心内膜炎已有多例报道(2,3,4)。这些案件中有许多是在选择性流产之后发生的。然而,迄今为止,只有77例经妇产科手术治疗的GBS三尖瓣心内膜炎病例(12345)。在这七名患者​​中,只有四名接受了选择性流产(12345)。仅有少数人将化脓性栓子与肺相关(5)。 GBS心内膜炎的死亡率可以与葡萄球菌性心内膜炎的死亡率一样高12。因此,像葡萄球菌性心内膜炎一样,GBS心内膜炎可能具有极高的侵袭性,死亡率高(近40%)(3-4)。人工瓣膜患者的死亡率几乎为100%(1-5)。左侧瓣膜受累比右侧更常见。由于其侵略性和可能导致瓣膜破坏的可能性,因此在病程中尽早开始抗生素治疗对GBS是必不可少的。结论结论所有进行选择性流产的患者均应考虑对GBS进行筛查和预防性治疗。



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