首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology >Initial Experience With Single Dose Dexmedetomidine For Procedural Sedation In Pediatric Patients: Case Reports

Initial Experience With Single Dose Dexmedetomidine For Procedural Sedation In Pediatric Patients: Case Reports




Objective: Several studies have evaluated the efficacy of continuous infusion of dexmedetomidine for procedural sedation of pediatric patients. There are few published reports of single dose dexmedetomidine for pediatric procedural sedation. We want to report on three pediatric patients who received single dose dexmedetomidine for procedural sedation. Methods: Case reports of pediatric patients who received intravenous dexmedetomidine for procedural sedation at Kentucky Children's Hospital. Results: Dexmedetomidine was administered as a single dose bolus of 1-3 mcg/kg over 10-15 minutes. In the clinical scenarios, effective sedation was achieved in order to perform MRI examinations and/or lumbar punctures. The only side effect related to administration was hypotension, which did not require intervention. Conclusion: Single dose dexmedetomidine appears to provide adequate procedural sedation for pediatric patients. Further studies are needed to confirm the effectiveness of this sedation regimen. Introduction Dexmedetomidine is a relatively new, α2-adrenergic receptor agonist with both sedative and analgesic properties. 1 It is classified as a sedative by the FDA and approved for sedation of adults in intensive care unit setting for up to 24 hours. 2 Several studies have evaluated the efficacy of dexmedetomidine as an agent for procedural sedation in the pediatric patient population. 3 4 5 6 In these studies, sedation was achieved by giving dexmedetomidine in an induction dose followed by a continuous infusion. A single intravenous dose of 0.5 mcg/kg has been used to decrease postoperative agitation and post anesthesia shivering. 4 A recent study suggested the efficacy of bolus dosing of dexmedetomidine, followed by IV infusion, in sedating children for CT scans. 7 There are no reports on the efficacy of single dose dexmedetomidine for procedural sedation. Methods Hospital records of patients undergoing procedural sedation with dexmedetomidine were obtained. Patients were identified from a log kept of all procedural sedations performed by the author. The following demographic data was obtained: age, weight, gender, and underlying medical condition. Information pertaining to dexmedetomidine included indication for administration, procedure performed, bolus dose given, and adverse effects that could be attributed to the medication. Vital signs were monitored per hospital sedation protocol, including blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and pulse oximetry, in five-minute intervals. Results The demographic data, indication for use, and dose administered is presented in Table 1. The following are brief descriptions of the individual cases. Patient 1 is a 6 year old male who presented with fever and progressive pain in hip area and difficulty ambulating. MRI of the pelvis and femur was obtained to assess for septic hip, osteomyelitis and/or abscess. Dexmedetomidine 20 mcg IV was given over 10 minutes. Appropriate sedation was achieved throughout the procedure. Vitals during procedure: heart rate 117-105; blood pressure126-99/91-40; respiratory rate 38-28; pulse oximetry 98-95% on room air. Patient was easily aroused at the end of the procedure with minimal stimulation. Total sedation time: 50 minutesPatient 2 is a 3 year old female with a history of seizure disorder who presented with worsening seizure activity unresponsive to current pharmacologic therapy. A lumbar puncture was requested as part of ongoing evaluation of her seizure disorder. Dexmedetomidine 30 mcg IV was given over 10-15 minutes. Appropriate level of sedation was obtained throughout the procedure. Vitals during procedure: heart rate111-106; blood pressure 85-69/50-36; pulse oximetry 98-97 % on room air; respiratory rate 38-28. Patient tolerated procedure well, and was easily aroused after lumbar puncture was finished. Total sedation time: 20 minutesPatient 3 is a 5 year old male who presented for evaluation of “starring spells”. MRI of the head and EEG were
机译:目的:几项研究评估了连续输注右美托咪定对小儿患者手术镇静的疗效。很少有报道报道单剂量右美托咪定可用于儿童手术镇静。我们想报告三名接受单剂量右美托咪定进行手术镇静的儿科患者。方法:在肯塔基州儿童医院接受静脉注射右美托咪定进行手术镇静的小儿患者的病例报告。结果:右美托咪定在10-15分钟内以1-3 mcg / kg的单次剂量推注。在临床情况下,为了进行MRI检查和/或腰穿,实现了有效的镇静作用。与给药有关的唯一副作用是低血压,不需要干预。结论:单剂量右美托咪定似乎可以为小儿患者提供足够的手术镇静作用。需要进一步的研究来确认这种镇静方案的有效性。简介右美托咪定是一种相对较新的α2-肾上腺素能受体激动剂,具有镇静和镇痛作用。 1它被FDA归类为镇静剂,并被批准用于重症监护病房中长达24小时的成人镇静。 2几项研究评估了右美托咪定作为小儿患者人群手术镇静剂的功效。 3 4 5 6在这些研究中,通过以诱导剂量给予右美托咪定,然后连续输注来达到镇静作用。 0.5 mcg / kg的单次静脉注射剂量已用于减少术后躁动和麻醉后发抖。 4最近的一项研究表明,右美托咪定的大剂量给药随后静脉输注对于镇静儿童进行CT扫描是有效的。 7没有关于单剂量右美托咪定用于手术镇静的功效的报道。方法获得右美托咪定进行手术镇静的患者的医院记录。从保存作者所有手术镇静记录的日志中识别出患者。获得了以下人口统计学数据:年龄,体重,性别和基本医疗状况。与右美托咪定有关的信息包括给药指征,进行的操作,给予的推注剂量以及可能归因于药物的不良反应。根据医院的镇静方案对生命体征进行监测,包括血压,心率,呼吸频率和脉搏血氧饱和度,每五分钟间隔一次。结果表1列出了人口统计学数据,使用说明和给药剂量。以下是对个别病例的简要说明。患者1是6岁的男性,在髋部出现发烧和进行性疼痛,难以活动。获得骨盆和股骨的MRI,以评估脓毒症的髋骨,骨髓炎和/或脓肿。在10分钟内给予右美托咪定20mcgIV。在整个过程中均达到了适当的镇静作用。手术过程中的重要因素:心率117-105;血压126-99 / 91-40;呼吸频率38-28;在室内空气中脉搏血氧饱和度为98-95%。在手术结束时,只需很少的刺激即可轻松唤醒患者。总镇静时间:50分钟患者2是3岁的女性,有癫痫病史,呈现出对当前药物治疗无反应的癫痫发作活动恶化。腰椎穿刺术被要求作为其癫痫病持续评估的一部分。在10-15分钟内给予右美托咪定30mcgIV。在整个过程中均获得了适当的镇静水平。手术过程中的重要因素:心律111-106;血压85-69 / 50-36;在室内空气中脉搏血氧饱和度为98-97%;呼吸频率38-28。患者对手术的耐受性良好,并且在腰穿完成后很容易被唤醒。总镇静时间:20分钟患者3是一名5岁的男性,提出要评估“主演法术”。头部MRI和脑电图



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