首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Health >Genotoxicity of Ecballium elaterium (L) A Rich Cucurbitaceae Fruit Juice Using Micronucleus Assay and DNA Single Strand Break Techniques.

Genotoxicity of Ecballium elaterium (L) A Rich Cucurbitaceae Fruit Juice Using Micronucleus Assay and DNA Single Strand Break Techniques.

机译:Ecballium elaterium(L)富含葫芦科果汁的遗传毒性的微核分析和DNA单链断裂技术。



This study was designed to investigate the genotoxicity of the Ecballium elaterium crude fruit juice, which is applied for treatment of jaundice as a traditional folk medicine in Jordan. The LD50 was estimated to be 61μl of the juice administered via the gastric route. The potential genotoxicity of E. elaterium was examined by micronucleus (MN) assay and DNA single strand break (SSB) techniques. The results showed that the fruit juice significantly induced the MN formation and SSB in the DNA by the oral administration of E. elaterium extract in the test groups as compared to the control. Thus, the data suggest that E. elaterium extract may have the potential to induce genotoxicity. Introduction Medicinal plants play an important role in the life of people in many countries and its use increases more and more all over the world. Green plants are generally containing mutagenic and carcinogenic substances, but there is little information about the biological activities of herbal medicine.[1]. Ecballium elaterium (L.) (‘‘squirting cucumber'‘ or ‘‘donkey's green'‘) is a perennial plant from the family Cucurbitaceae, a mediterranean medicinal plant that has been investigated for its several pharmacological properties.[2,3,4,5,6,7] Ecballium elaterium has a large fleshy root, from which several round, thick, rough stems rise, branching and trailing like the common cucumber, but without tendrils. The leaves are petiolate, large, rough, irregularly cordate, and of a grayish-green color. The flowers are yellow and axillary. The fruit has the shape of a small oval cucumber, about an inch and a half long and one inch thick. It has a greenish or grayish color, and is covered with stiff hairs or prickles. When fully ripe, it separates from the peduncle, and throws out its juice and seeds with considerable force through an opening at the base, where it was attached to the footstalk. The name of squirting cucumber was derived from this circumstance, and the scientific and official title (elaterium) is supposed to have had a similar origin, though some authors maintain that the term elaterium was applied to the drug rather from the mode of its operation upon the bowels than from the projectile property of the fruit. The word elaterium was used by Hippocrates to signify any active purge. Dioscorides applied it to the medicine of which we are treating. [8, 9] The ripe fruit is about 4 cm long of yellow-green color. The name ‘‘squirting cucumber'‘ comes from the tendency of the ripe fruit to explode upon the slightest touch, with its dark seeds and juice ejected at a distance of several meters. [10, 11] Herbal medicine recommends it for the treatment of chronic sinusitis or rhinosinusitis [7, 12] It is also recommended for liver cirrhosis as well as other conditions thought to be inflammatory in nature including rheumatism and infections [13] The juice of Ecballium elaterium fruit is a well-known powerful hydragogue cathartic in folk medicine and is also used for its diuretic activity, especially in edema caused by kidney troubles. Ecballium elaterium roots were used, in Anatolian folk medicine, as analgesic and in treatment of hemorrhoids; fruits in sinusitis, jaundice, nocturia, lumbago and otalgia [7, 11, 14, 15]The active antiinflammatory principal is cucurbitacin B, a triterpene derivative isolated from fruits and seeds of the plant [11, 13] The building block of terpenes is isoprene or 2-methyl 1,3-butadiene, precursor of essential oils found in many plants. [15] The significance of this study depends on the facts that Ecballium elaterium is a mediterranean medicinal plant used as an analgesic and in treatment of hemorrhoids; fruits in sinusitis, jaundice, nocturia, lumbago and otalgia as well as other conditions thought to be inflammatory in nature including rheumatism and infections. Accordingly, we found it of special interest to investigate the effect, if there is any, of its fruit juice on the genetic material.The objectives of the stu
机译:本研究旨在调查Ecballium elaterium粗制果汁的遗传毒性,该果汁在约旦作为传统民间药物用于治疗黄疸。 LD50估计为通过胃途径给药的果汁的61μl。通过微核(MN)分析和DNA单链断裂(SSB)技术检查了大肠杆菌的潜在遗传毒性。结果表明,与对照组相比,通过在试验组中口服给予大肠杆菌提取物,果汁显着诱导了DNA中MN的形成和SSB。因此,数据表明,大肠杆菌提取物可能具有诱导基因毒性的潜力。简介药用植物在许多国家的人们的生活中起着重要作用,在世界范围内其使用越来越多。绿色植物通常含有诱变和致癌物质,但有关草药生物学活性的信息很少。[1] Ecballium elaterium(L。)(“喷黄瓜”或“驴绿”)是多年生植物,葫芦科(Cucurbitaceae),一种地中海药用植物,已对其几种药理特性进行了研究。[2,3,4 ,5,6,7] c球茎有一个大的肉质根,从茎上会像普通黄瓜一样长出数个圆形,粗大,粗糙的茎,分叉和拖曳,但没有卷须。叶子有叶柄,大,粗糙,不规则心形,灰绿色。花是黄色和腋生的。果实具有小椭圆形黄瓜的形状,长约一英寸半,厚一英寸。它呈绿色或灰色,并覆盖有硬毛或皮刺。完全成熟后,它与花序梗分离,并以相当大的力将其汁液和种子从底部的开口处扔出,并固定在脚柄上。喷出黄瓜的名称是从这种情况得出的,并且科学和官方名称(弹药)应该有类似的来历,尽管一些作者坚持认为,弹药一词是用于该药物的,而不是从该药的操作方式开始。肠比起果实的弹丸特性。希波克拉底使用elaterium一词来表示任何主动清除。 Dioscorides将其应用于我们正在治疗的药物。 [8,9]成熟的果实长约4厘米,呈黄绿色。 “喷黄瓜”这个名字源于成熟的水果趋于爆炸的趋势,它的深色种子和果汁会在几米的距离内喷出。 [10,11]草药建议将其用于治疗慢性鼻窦炎或鼻-鼻窦炎[7,12]还建议其用于肝硬化以及自然风湿和感染等其他认为是炎性的疾病[13] Ecballium elaterium果实是民间医学中众所周知的强力催泻剂,也因其利尿作用而使用,特别是在肾脏疾病引起的水肿中。在安纳托利亚的民间医学中,c球根被用作止痛剂和治疗痔疮。鼻窦炎,黄疸,夜尿症,腰痛和腰痛的果实[7、11、14、15]抗炎活性成分是葫芦素B,葫芦素B是从植物果实和种子中分离出的三萜衍生物[11、13]萜烯的结构单元是异戊二烯或2-甲基1,3-丁二烯,许多植物中发现的精油前体。 [15]这项研究的意义取决于事实,即Ecballium elaterium是一种地中海药用植物,用作镇痛药和治疗痔疮。在鼻窦炎,黄疸,夜尿症,腰痛和腰痛以及其他被认为具有炎症性质的疾病(包括风湿病和感染)中产生果实。因此,我们发现研究果汁中的果汁对遗传物质的影响特别有意义。



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