
Interferon and Risk for Drug-Seeking Behavior




Interferon (IFN), a biological medication used to treat viral hepatitis and certain cancers, has clinically significant potential to cause a wide range of adverse neuropsychiatic effects. The spectrum ranges from agitation, aggression, insomnia and irritability, to suicidal thought and drug-seeking behavior (DSB). Out of a total population of 353 patients infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV), 132 patients at an inner city hepatitis clinic underwent treatment. Those treated were questioned at intake and on a regular basis for the initiation or increase of DSB. In addition, when warranted, patients were tested for the presence of drugs they were not prescribed. Over a four year period, ten patients (4 currently receiving treatment with IFN, 4 with prior treatment, and 2 who never received IFN) reported an increase in DSB. The danger of developing IFN-induced DSB appears to be relatively low (< 3%) in our patient population, and we also observed DSB in HCV patients who were not treated with IFN. To our knowledge, this is the first study of the incidence of DSB associated with IFN treatment for HCV that completely surveyed the HCV-treated population and used urine toxicology to verify illicit drug use. Introduction Patients with DSB have an inappropriate focus on obtaining a desired abused drug, i.e. cocaine, opioids, methamphetamine, etc. without concern of other more appropriate issues, such as diagnosis or treatment of their addictive behavior (Vissers, 2002). DSB includes abused drug preoccupation (talk and memories), and the craving and actual search for and use of abused drugs. It may be true that DSB as an observed action may not always be preceded by drug-related thoughts and memories as associated cognitive activity. However, it is likely that in most cases these cognitive activities precede DSB as action. Since DSB and use has the potential for dire consequences to IFN therapy in the treatment of HCV, we have questioned for the self-report of such drug abuse-related cognitive activity in regular office visits. As a general rule, it is reasonable to urge patients to avoid any stimulus to DSB while undergoing treatment for viral hepatitis, because of the potentially harmful effects of non-prescribed and addictive medication on antiviral therapy. Since the principle routes of contraction of infection for HCV include injection drug use (IDU), any increase in DSB caused by a side effect of a therapeutic (such as IFN) could become counter-therapeutic. IDU is known to suppress the immune system in some [for example, HIV] viral infections (Thompson & Salvato, 1998). Even though frequent illicit drug use during treatment of HCV may lead to decreased adherence (Sylvestre & Clements, 2007 ), several researchers (Robaeys & Buntinx, 2005); (Sylvestre, Litwin, Clements, & Gourevitch, 2005); (Sylvestre & Clements, 2007 ); (Grebely et al., 2007 ) have reported that illicit drug use itself may not counter the therapeutic response to IFN. Although the Warnings Section, Neuropsychiatric Subsection of the prescribing information (PI) for pegylated interferon alpha 2 (IFN) mentions that “relapse of drug addiction” may occur in patients, no specific information is given on the frequency of occurrence, the causal relatedness or predisposing or inciting factors. Upon query to the manufacturers, they were not able to supply specific data in these areas. A search of Medline also did not reveal specific published information in this regard. The aim of this observational study was to determine the incidence of DSB in a population being treated for HCV in a inner city community hospital, using standardized and previously validated approaches. Methodology Three hundred fifty three patients with HCV were evaluated for treatment at the Hepatitis Clinic of Cooper Green Mercy Hospital (CGMH), an inner city safety net medical facility in Birmingham, Alabama. Patients did not automatically receive antidepressants as a prophylactic action prior to therapy
机译:干扰素(IFN)是一种用于治疗病毒性肝炎和某些癌症的生物药物,具有引起广泛的不良神经精神病学的临床重大潜力。频谱范围从躁动,攻击,失眠和易怒,到自杀念头和寻求毒品的行为(DSB)。在总共353名感染丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)的患者中,有132名在市中心城区的肝炎诊所接受了治疗。接受治疗的患者会在进食时受到询问,并会定期询问是否开始或增加DSB。另外,在必要时,对患者进行了未开处方的药物测试。在四年的时间里,十名患者(4名目前正在接受IFN治疗,4名接受过先前治疗以及2名从未接受过IFN治疗)报告DSB升高。在我们的患者人群中,发展IFN诱导的DSB的危险似乎相对较低(<3%),我们还观察了未经IFN治疗的HCV患者的DSB。据我们所知,这是与HCV干扰素治疗相关的DSB发生率的首次研究,该研究完全调查了HCV治疗人群,并使用尿毒理学验证了非法药物的使用。简介DSB患者在获得所需的滥用药物(如可卡因,阿片类药物,去氧麻黄碱等)上有不适当的关注,而没有考虑其他更合适的问题,例如诊断或治疗其成瘾行为(Vissers,2002年)。 DSB包括对滥用毒品的关注(谈话和记忆),以及对滥用毒品的渴望以及实际搜索和使用。确实,DSB作为一种观察到的动作可能并不总是先于与药物相关的思想和记忆作为相关的认知活动。但是,在大多数情况下,这些认知活动很可能先于DSB动作。由于DSB和使用对HCV治疗中的IFN治疗可能产生可怕的后果,因此我们对定期上门拜访中此类药物滥用相关认知活动的自我报告提出了质疑。通常,由于非处方药和成瘾性药物对抗病毒治疗有潜在的有害影响,因此敦促患者在接受病毒性肝炎治疗时避免对DSB产生任何刺激。由于HCV感染收缩的主要途径包括注射药物使用(IDU),因此任何由治疗剂(如IFN)的副作用引起的DSB升高都可能成为反治疗药物。众所周知,注射吸毒者在某些[例如HIV]病毒感染中会抑制免疫系统(Thompson&Salvato,1998)。尽管在HCV治疗期间频繁使用非法药物可能会导致依从性下降(Sylvestre和Clements,2007年),但仍有一些研究人员(Robaeys和Buntinx,2005年)。 (Sylvestre,Litwin,Clements和Gourevitch,2005年); (Sylvestre&Clements,2007年); (Grebely et al。,2007)报告说,非法使用毒品本身可能无法抵消对IFN的治疗反应。尽管聚乙二醇化干扰素α2(IFN)处方信息(PI)的警告部分的神经精神科提到患者可能会发生“药物成瘾的复发”,但未提供发生频率,因果相关性或诱因或煽动性因素。向制造商查询后,他们无法在这些区域中提供特定数据。对Medline的搜索也没有揭示这方面的特定公开信息。这项观察性研究的目的是使用标准化且先前已验证的方法来确定市区内社区医院接受HCV治疗的人群中DSB的发生率。方法在阿拉巴马州伯明翰市的一个内部城市安全网医疗机构库珀绿色慈善医院(CGMH)的肝炎诊所对353例HCV患者进行了评估。患者在治疗前并未自动接受抗抑郁药作为预防措施



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