首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Pain, Symptom Control and Palliative Care >Management Of Acute Postoperative Pain: Experience With 11,937 Patients Managed With Epidural Catheters

Management Of Acute Postoperative Pain: Experience With 11,937 Patients Managed With Epidural Catheters




Introduction The management of postoperative acute pain has become one of the principal missions of the anesthesiologist. The establishment and organization of an Acute Pain Management Service is essential for the delivery of high quality acute pain management, but it is a complicated process. In this article, we will first present a brief history of the formation of the Acute Pain Management Service at the Methodist Hospital and then our experience with epidural analgesia in more than 11,000 cases. We hope that our experience will be of help to those seeking to establish an acute pain management service. Historical background In 1985, we began to use postoperative epidural analgesia in orthopedic surgery patients at the Methodist Hospital. Various research protocols, such as intrathecal and epidural Duramorph, fentanyl, sufentanyl and alfentanyl were used initially. All of these patients were assigned to an orthopedic research intermediate care unit for the duration of their epidural infusion. The nurses in this area were specially trained to assess for analgesia, side effects and complications. When epidural pain management was extended to other surgical services in 1991, patients with epidurals were still required to be admitted to the orthopedic intermediate care. This not only created a problem of availability of intermediate care beds but also problems between the orthopedic service and other surgical services who wanted to use “the orthopedic unit” for their patients.In order to correct this situation and to provide quality postoperative pain management for all surgical services, the decision to create a hospital-wide acute pain management service was made in August, 1991, and an anesthesiologist Medical Director and a R.N. Clinical Coordinator were appointed to head the service. A multidisciplinary committee was formed to deal with the many details of establishing a pain service. The formation and operation of this committee, which met every two weeks initially and thereafter monthly, was essential for the establishment of an efficient service. Aside from the medical director and clinical coordinator, it included hospital and nursing administration, nursing, and pharmacy personnel. Using a program based upon one developed by Dr. Lex Hubbard and Chris Pasero, R.N. at Schumpert Medical Center, Shreveport, Louisiana, we developed standing orders, a pain management flow sheet, a daily rounding progress note, policies and procedures, and a continuous quality improvement program.We gather patient data daily and use it for generating statistics, rounding sheets, and billing information. Gathering of outcome and complication data is essential for our quality improvement program.Pharmacologically, we decided to base our epidural service on a fentanyl/bupivacaine combination. In order to avoid confusion, because of the potential size of the pain service and the number of anesthesiology staff involved, we initially used only one standard infusion (Fentanyl 20 mcg/ml and bupivacaine 0.125%). However, because most of the anesthesiologists were placing their catheters in the lumbar area, and thus the need for higher infusion rates, we decreased the concentration of fentanyl to10 mcg/ml and of bupivacaine to 0.1%. We now offer three standard solutions of fentanyl/bupivacaine, and the pharmacy can make custom solutions on request. Also, after much discussion and teaching, most anesthesiologists are now using a thoracic epidural approach. The quality improvement program serves as our tool to modify our procedures, such as the use of different epidural infusion solutions as more experience is gained.We initiated the program in the OB and GYN units because their nursing staff were generally more familiar with the concept of epidurals. Initially, nurses were given a two hour inservice by the pain service nurse that included anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, side effects, titration of the infusion and troubleshooting the pump. There is no
机译:简介术后急性疼痛的治疗已成为麻醉医师的主要任务之一。建立和组织急性疼痛管理服务对于提供高质量的急性疼痛管理至关重要,但这是一个复杂的过程。在本文中,我们将首先简要介绍卫理公会医院急性疼痛管理服务的成立历史,然后介绍11,000多例硬膜外镇痛的经验。我们希望我们的经验将对那些寻求建立急性疼痛管理服务的人有所帮助。历史背景1985年,我们开始在卫理公会医院的骨科手术患者中使用术后硬膜外镇痛。最初使用了各种研究方案,例如鞘内和硬膜外Duramorph,芬太尼,舒芬太尼和阿芬太尼。在硬膜外输注期间,所有这些患者均被分配到骨科研究中间护理部门。该领域的护士经过专门培训,以评估镇痛,副作用和并发症。当硬膜外疼痛管理在1991年扩展到其他外科服务时,硬膜外患者仍然需要接受骨科中间护理。这不仅造成了中间护理床的可用性问题,而且还导致了骨科部门与其他想为患者使用“骨科部门”的手术部门之间的问题。为了纠正这种情况并为患者提供优质的术后疼痛管理所有手术服务,1991年8月决定创建医院范围内的急性疼痛管理服务,并由麻醉师医疗主任和RN决定任命了临床协调员来领导该服务。成立了一个多学科委员会来处理建立疼痛服务的许多细节。该委员会的组建和运作最初每两周举行一次,此后每月举行一次,对于建立高效的服务至关重要。除了医疗主管和临床协调员外,它还包括医院和护理管理部门,护理和药房人员。使用基于Lex Hubbard博士和Chris Pasero,R.N.开发的程序。在路易斯安那州什里夫波特的熊彼特医学中心,我们制定了常规订单,疼痛管理流程图,每日四舍五入进度说明,政策和程序以及持续的质量改进计划,每天收集患者数据并将其用于生成统计数据,四舍五入表格和帐单信息。收集结局和并发症数据对于我们的质量改善计划至关重要。从药理学角度,我们决定将硬膜外服务以芬太尼/布比卡因组合为基础。为了避免混淆,由于潜在的疼痛服务规模和涉及的麻醉科工作人员数量,我们最初仅使用一种标准输注方式(芬太尼20 mcg / ml和布比卡因0.125%)。但是,由于大多数麻醉医师将其导管放置在腰椎区域,因此需要更高的输注速度,因此我们将芬太尼的浓度降至10 mcg / ml,将布比卡因的浓度降至0.1%。现在,我们提供三种芬太尼/布比卡因标准溶液,该药房可以根据要求提供定制溶液。而且,经过大量的讨论和教导,大多数麻醉师现在都在使用胸膜硬膜外疗法。质量改进计划是我们修改程序的工具,例如,随着经验的积累,使用不同的硬膜外输液解决方案。我们在OB和GYN部门启动了该计划,因为他们的护理人员通常更熟悉硬膜外最初,疼痛服务护士为护士提供了两个小时的服务,包括解剖学,生理学,药理学,副作用,输液滴定和对泵进行故障排除。没有



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