首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Nuclear Medicine >Contribution of 99mTc-DTPA scintigraphy with diuretic test in the exploration of acute urinary obstruction in a transplant patient

Contribution of 99mTc-DTPA scintigraphy with diuretic test in the exploration of acute urinary obstruction in a transplant patient




Urinary tract obstruction is a threat for graft function. Routine ultrasound can be important for early detection of problems in the postoperative period, but its findings can be at the origin of false-negative in the mild dilatation of calyces and renal pelvis. In the current case, 99mTc-DTPA dynamic renal scintigraphy with diuretic test, as a functional modality, was very helpful in early diagnosis of organic obstruction. It allowed moreover directing the therapy while evaluating its effectiveness a few weeks afterwards. Introduction Renal transplantation is the best available treatment for most patients with end stage renal disease. However, serious surgical complications can occur after renal transplantation like urinary obstruction. Its early diagnosis should be performed to prevent permanent damage to the kidney. The current case presents the value of diuretic DTPA-Tc99m renal scintigraphy in the detection of acute urinary obstruction in renal transplantation. Case report 26 years old man patient followed for a chronic renal failure at a final stage having profited from a renal transplantation starting from an alive donor. The immediate operational continuations were satisfactory. In fact, on the postoperative first day, urinary output was 3100 ml and blood creatinine level 13 mg/l. The evolution was marked 4 weeks after the transplantation by a moderate diuresis reduction while creatinine was slightly increased to 19 mg/l. Renal ultrasonography was carried out and showed no important abnormality. There was a light dilatation of calixiel groups and pelvic distension with a preserved cortical index. Intravenous urography revealed a dysrotation of the right renal graft and confirmed the light pelvic and calix distension (figure 1).
机译:尿路阻塞是移植功能的威胁。常规超声检查对于术后早期发现问题可能很重要,但其发现可能是肾盂和肾盂轻度扩张时假阴性的起源。在目前的情况下,以利尿剂检查为功能方式的99mTc-DTPA动态肾脏闪烁显像对早期诊断器质性阻塞非常有帮助。此外,它允许在指导治疗的同时几周后评估其有效性。简介对于大多数患有终末期肾脏疾病的患者,肾移植是最佳的可用治疗方法。但是,肾移植术后会发生严重的外科手术并发症,如尿路阻塞。应进行早期诊断以防止肾脏永久受损。本例介绍了利尿剂DTPA-Tc99m肾闪烁显像在肾移植中急性尿路阻塞的检测中的价值。病例报告26岁的男性患者在最后阶段接受了慢性肾脏衰竭治疗,该患者从活着的供体开始进行肾移植中获益。立即的业务继续令人满意。实际上,在术后第一天,尿量为3100 ml,血肌酐水平为13 mg / l。移植后4周,利尿剂适度减少,而肌酐略微增加至19 mg / l,标志着进化。进行肾脏超声检查,未发现重要异常。杯状肌轻度扩张,骨盆扩张,皮层指数保持不变。静脉输尿管造影显示右肾移植物旋转不良,并证实轻度骨盆和杯状扩张(图1)。



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